Friday, February 28, 2020

The Keys - Part 2

Stats from leaving Punta Gorda - 333 miles - Total - 2597

On Friday, we got tied up at the Marlin Bay Resort in Marathon.  It is a nice resort with a very nice pool.  The only downside was that we were in the outer basin with not much of a break wall.  Had a lot of rocking and wave slap the first few nights but it did get better.  After getting tied up and the boat rinsed off we took off for a short walk to the Key Fisheries.   Don, Mark & Deb, and us decided we had to try the stone crab claws.  Yes they were awesome.  Think we went to the pool for a bit then out for pizza.  Don was having fun and had me and Mark on a 2 a day cigar path.

Keys Fishery
Marlin Bay Resort
 Marlin Bay Dock
 Thought of our friend Liz Bedway :)
 Marlin Bay Pool

Saturday we went to the Stuffed Pig for breakfast.  It lived up to its name.  After a huge breakfast we went and hung out at the pool for awhile. Was a little windy but the temperatures were great.  Saturday evening Don, Marcia and I went to a Looper Sunset party at a marina down the road.  They had a lot of snack food, cold beer and a live band.  We ran into some Loopers that we had not seen in awhile, so it was fun.  It was a good cigar walk back to the boat after.  On Sunday I got up early and did my 1st two open water dives in the morning.  We took a short walk and just relaxed at the pool.  Don treated all of us to an excellent dinner at the Seafood and Lobster house.  On Monday, I got up early again and completed the 3rd and 4th of my required open water dives.  It was on the Gulf side this time so not as much to see.  Good news is that I am now a certified scuba diver!!!

Heading out on the dive boat

Dinner at the Steak and Lobster House

When I got back to the boat from the dives on Monday, Don and Marcia walked up the Stuffed Pig and brought back massive sandwiches for lunch.  We decided to drop the dinghy in and go exploring for awhile.  We went a few miles back under the 7 mile bridge and toured through Boot Key.  On the way back we did have to stop at the Fishery for another beer.   We put the dinghy away and walked to tour a brand new 53ft Marlow that was at the marina.  Beautiful boat.  The only reason I mention this is because it is owned by fellow 4 Season's Marina friend Tom.  Some may remember him from D dock when he owned the boat "Crazy 8".  After happy hour on his boat it was back to the Fishery for Stone Crab and Oysters.  Don, Mark, I decided to have another cigar and get into the Bourbon.  Don was clearly over-served and somehow made it to bed.  Good news is that I think it was the best night sleep he had.  Saw Don off on Tuesday morning as he headed out to catch the shuttle to the Miami airport.  Felt sorry for him as he had a LONG day at the airport before getting home.  Sitting on the runway for almost 2 hours before cancelling the flight, but that is his story.  :(  Maybe the sunset picture will remind him that it was worth it.

Tuesday was a provisioning day.  We borrowed Rick and Rhonda's car and made a run to Publix.  Mark and I brought back cases of water, beer and soda while Deb and Marcia shopped. We picked them back up and brought bags of groceries back to the boat.  Lot of provisioning for the Bahama's.  As a side note, our ice maker died on Sunday in Marathon.  We ordered a new one and are having it shipped to the Key Largo West Marine store.  

Wednesday's wind and weather was OK, so we left out of Marathon and headed to Key Largo.  We ran on the outside in 2-3 footers in beautiful blue water.  

We made it to Key Largo without issue and are here now.  I am tired of typing as I am sure you are tired of reading, so will save Key Largo for another post.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Florida Keys

Stats - Will update on the next blog, but roughly another 400 miles.

So sorry for the delay in posting.  I know that there are a at least a few of you who enjoy reading this.  So let me see if I can recap what has been happening over the last several (10) days.

We left out of Pink Shell marina headed for Marco Island.  We had a good cruising day with Jim and Sarah Sutliff and arrived at Marco Island late morning.  We cooked up some dogs on the grill while waiting for the marina to make room for us to fuel up.  After fueling up we met up with Mike and Gloria from Four Seasons marina.  They picked us up and we had a drinks and snack at the local Snook Inn.  It was great seeing them again.  Had bacon and eggs on the boat then we dropped the dinghy in and went on a little cruise.  Beached it and went walking on the shell beach for a while then cruised through the Yacht Club.  We cooked up dinner on the boat and had a good day. 

We left early on Wednesday heading for Key West.  Could not have asked for better weather or a better cruise day.  Water was beautiful and we made the 100 mile run to Key West without issue.  After arriving at the Galleon Marina, we went to the the pool and relaxed.  We went out for dinner and met up later with Jeanie and Jack Halenkamp and Rick and Sarah who also were in Key West.  On Thursday my brother Don arrived and we did a little bar hopping.  The usual places, Hog's Breath Saloon , Irish Kevin's, Margaritaville, you get the idea.  We had an easy dinner with everyone and headed back to the boat.

 Entering Key West
Starting the cruise to the 1st way point
 Beautiful cruising day to Key West
Some bar in Key West
Sarah choking the chicken (Cluck Norris)
Boyle brothers with Dublin in the back ground
 Cluck's cousin
 Another cruising picture
 Galleon Marina Key West.

Our plan was to head to Marathon on Saturday, but the winds and waves were predicted to get very bad.  Plan B was activated and we ended up leaving at 7:30 on Friday morning to beat the weather.  Jim and Sarah left as they were taking the Express back to Ft Myers.  Was a little rough going to Marathon, but we were able to get into the marina a day earlier, but it was tough docking with 20 - 30 mph hour winds. 

Feels like I am at least partially caught up now.  Will still have to fill you in on Marathon and Key Largo, but enough for tonight.  Promise I will catch up on the blog over the next couple of days. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Back on the Boat and on the Move

Stats -

Wow, yes it has been a while, but we are now back on the boat.  Have had a Bloody Mary and a few beers in me, but let's see if I can catch everyone up quickly.

Thanks-Giving was filling, Christmas was good, New Years was fun, all the family birthdays were intoxicating, but we are now back on the water and in warm weather.

We left out of Cincinnati in a rental SUV on Tuesday 2/11/20 and drove to just North of the Florida Line.  Wednesday was a long day.  We got up early and drove the rest of the way to Punta Gorda.  After arriving, we moved the boat over to Mark's house and then made the 1st trip to the grocery store (Walmart).  We finally stopped and ate dinner at 8:30 with Jim and Sarah.  The next few days were all about cleaning and provisioning the boat.  It was a lot more running around than last time, but we had several weeks to do that in Cincinnati versus the few days here.

We cast lines on Sunday morning at 9:00 and headed to Ft Myers Beach and are at The Pink Shell Resort now.  After the boat was tied up it was bloody mary time.  Walked over to the pool and then a long walk down the beach with a beer pit stop.  Back at the boat it was happy hour and a cigar.   Just had dinner at Pink Shell.

Sorry for the short post, but a lot going on - like having fun and drinking.  Jim and Sarah Sutliff are cruising with us to Key West.  Enjoy the pictures from the trip down and the cruise today.

Isles Yacht Club
Leaving Mark's house
 Casting lines
 Mark cruising
 Cabbage Key
 Entering Ft Myers Beach

 Pink Shell Resort

Bridge to Ft Myers Beach
Sarah choking my chicken (Cluck Norris)