Sunday, February 16, 2020

Back on the Boat and on the Move

Stats -

Wow, yes it has been a while, but we are now back on the boat.  Have had a Bloody Mary and a few beers in me, but let's see if I can catch everyone up quickly.

Thanks-Giving was filling, Christmas was good, New Years was fun, all the family birthdays were intoxicating, but we are now back on the water and in warm weather.

We left out of Cincinnati in a rental SUV on Tuesday 2/11/20 and drove to just North of the Florida Line.  Wednesday was a long day.  We got up early and drove the rest of the way to Punta Gorda.  After arriving, we moved the boat over to Mark's house and then made the 1st trip to the grocery store (Walmart).  We finally stopped and ate dinner at 8:30 with Jim and Sarah.  The next few days were all about cleaning and provisioning the boat.  It was a lot more running around than last time, but we had several weeks to do that in Cincinnati versus the few days here.

We cast lines on Sunday morning at 9:00 and headed to Ft Myers Beach and are at The Pink Shell Resort now.  After the boat was tied up it was bloody mary time.  Walked over to the pool and then a long walk down the beach with a beer pit stop.  Back at the boat it was happy hour and a cigar.   Just had dinner at Pink Shell.

Sorry for the short post, but a lot going on - like having fun and drinking.  Jim and Sarah Sutliff are cruising with us to Key West.  Enjoy the pictures from the trip down and the cruise today.

Isles Yacht Club
Leaving Mark's house
 Casting lines
 Mark cruising
 Cabbage Key
 Entering Ft Myers Beach

 Pink Shell Resort

Bridge to Ft Myers Beach
Sarah choking my chicken (Cluck Norris)

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