Friday, October 16, 2020

Bradenton 10/3/20 - 10/16/20

 So time does seem to fly by when we are down here.  The last 2 weeks went by very fast.   We have settled into somewhat of a during the week routine.  In the morning we usually go to Planet Fitness to try and maintain.  After lunch on the boat we tend to get into some type of project.  I have been mostly buffing and waxing, and Marcia is usually laundry, bills, or cleaning.   I will just try to fill you in on the non routine happenings.

On Saturday the 3rd, we did drive down to Punta Gorda to visit with Mark and Deb.  Although it was somewhat overcast, the stellar weatherman were not predicting rain until early evening.   We took his center console out, headed for Boca Grande beach for the day.  The wind was a little high so we ended up at Cayo Costa beach.  It ended up being a great day with only a few sprinkles.  Jim and Sarah had some family down and they ended up beaching with us after lunch.  

If you look closely, you can see the jellyfish that was right next to us.

After we got back to Mark's house, we grilled up some "T-Bone" steaks and Deb made scallop potatoes, salad and homemade apple tort.  Was a perfect end to a nice day.  The rain did come down pretty hard during dinner but eased up for our drive back to the boat.

We did make a trip to the outlet mall on Wednesday and then to the UTC mall.  We managed not to purchase much other than another pair of workout shorts for me and a top and workout pants for Marcia.  I did go back and exchange my shorts the next week for the 9" inseam.  The 7's were showing just a little too much leg and it was distracting to the other people at the gym.  (in a good way)!!!!

We took it ease (routine) until Thursday.  It turns out that long time friends Barry and Sherry Hollock were on vacation in Sarasota.  Facebook does sometimes have it's value.  We made plans with them to drive up and visit and go to lunch.  We met at the boat and started out with some Bloody Mary's.  Cluck even came out to visit and say Hi.

After a couple of bloody's on the boat, we walked over to the rooftop for lunch.  It was great catching up with them as it has been a while since we had seen them.
We decided that on Friday it was going to be a play day.  We put the dinghy in the water and we went to the beach.  

It was a good stop for a few beers and a cigar.  After the beach we explored a little and then went to Regatta Pointe for happy hour.  I did have to sample the oysters as I have not had any since coming back down.

 Saturday and Sunday ended up being overcast and on and off rain, so we just hung out on the boat.  On Wednesday we made our grocery shopping excursion.  We had waited 2 weeks to go last time and I felt like we were on "Yours, Mine and Ours" with how full our cart was.  I call it an excursion because it ended up being a trip to Publix, Winn Dixie and Walmart before we got everything.  It was such a nice day that we decided to go enjoy the pool for  a couple of hours.  It was a nice mid week break.  I guess we are to the point that we need a mid week break :).  
Thursday was a work and clean day as Marcia's sister Elaine and husband Glen were coming to visit on Friday.  I went to start the engines for the 1st time back and wouldn't you know it the Port battery was dead.  I did put a volt meter on it and it was reading 1.7 instead of 12+.  It was an 8D battery, for those that know.  For those that don't, picture a battery the size of 3 put together and weighing about 200 pounds.  Needless to say it was a royal pain the back, to put is a nicely as it can.  Good news is that the port engine started afterwards.
Elaine and Glen came to the boat today (Friday) and we did take it out for a cruise for the 1st time since being back.  Everything seemed to work OK.  We cruised out to Tampa Bay and then onto the ICW.  Turned out to be a great day.  I don't think Lucy was too happy that we were cruising again.  I think she has forgotten what it was like, even though it was a calm day.  When we got back we were going to go to the rooftop for a beer but they were packed and it was a 45 minute wait just to go up.  We said our goodbyes and have plans to have dinner with them at their house on Tuesday.

Mark and Deb, along with Jim and Sarah are planning to drive up tomorrow.  Mark was able to get reservations at the Bradenton Yacht Club for dinner, so we are planning to check it out on Saturday.  We have a very busy week planned out next week with Tony (son) and Don (brother) both coming down to visit.  We are really looking forward to it and are hoping for good weather.  By the way, it is still in the low 90's here, so not missing Cincinnati right now.
I will leave you with a couple of sunset pictures.  It really is a nice view from the boat.

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