Friday, July 10, 2020

Twin Dolphin - Bradenton - Part 2

Sunday 07/05/20

Sunday was more of a work day, given that I had a little more energy.  Marcia worked inside doing some laundry and cleaning up.  I went to work in the engine room.  I flushed the engines with fresh water as well as the generator.  The AC strainer was full of goop.  I think there was actually stuff growing in it.  The hose would not clean it out, so I had to use the bronze wire brush to get it clean.  I have been told that with the water temperature around 90 degrees, this needs to be at least a weekly chore.  We ate a late lunch and then decided to walk up and around town.  Most places were closed on Sunday, but it was good to stretch our legs. 

After some discussion, we decided that we would plan to leave to drive home on Saturday.  It will be a little later start as there are some things that need to get done on the boat the day we leave. 

Monday 07/06/20

Tom and Tammy Wagner reached out to us and we made plans to meet up with them for lunch on Monday.  I worked with Tom at P&G, and they were down visiting his parents and their daughter in Sarasota.  They met us at the boat and then we went over to Cortez to the Starfish Fish Co.  It was a great lunch spot that they go to when they are down.  We all got fresh grouper which was excellent and it was a nice spot on the Intracostal.

After lunch Tom drove us around to see Longboat Key and Anna Maria Island, and then back to the boat.  It was a fun day.  After dinner we did the Riverwalk again and went all the way to Caddy's.  It was about a 3/4 of a cigar walk, or just over a mile for those that do not use cigars to judge distance.  (you have have to check with my brother Don for the exact scale). 

Tuesday 07/07/20

We had made arrangements to rent a car today and check out the area.  We Uber'ed to the airport and picked up the car.  We did a quick stop at Bealls to see if anything "jumped" out at us.  I did manage to find a cheap pair of sunglasses to replace a pair that did not hold up and a tee shirt.  Marcia looked and tried but was unable to find anything.  After Bealls we drove through the Inlets again just to look around.  We went to a local place for lunch that we will definitely go back to.  Great food and it was very reasonably priced.  Marcia asked for a box when they brought the food as she knew she would not be able to finish the Hawaiian Tuna Salad.  Think tuna salad with a pineapple and melted cheese.  After lunch we did a quick stop back at the boat and then went to see the Bradenton Yacht Club.  We got the full tour.  Very nice place with heated pool in the winter and chilled pool in the summer.  I liked the 3 bars, lounge bar, pool bar and tiki bar.  They seem to have a lot of clubs and activities.  Membership was on par with most other Yacht Clubs in Florida.  It was a nice surprise to find how reasonable the boat slip would be if we decided to join.  There are only about 5 slips that the boat would fit into, but the wait list was not long.  After the tour, we drove down Sneed Island and then to Publix.  We did not need much we are now trying to use up the food we have before we leave on Saturday.  We did pick up steaks, stuffed potato skins and rainbow sherbet for dinner with Alyssa.  We drove out to Alyssa's house (aka - Elaine and Glen's - Marcia's sister).  After a tour of the house we cooked up dinner and had dessert.   Again we said goodbye to Alyssa and headed back to the boat.  We talked with Mark Kalb, and he said he was going to drive up for a visit on Wednesday.

Wednesday 07/08/20   

I had to return the rental car this morning, so I made arrangements with Mark just to pick me up at the airport.  It was kind of on his way.  I gave him the tour of the Marina and where the boat was.  He offered to check up on things in the event of a storm.  It is good to know that he is only an hour away if needed.  We did some line adjustments getting the boat ready for our departure.  It was noon somewhere, so we had a few beers and a cigar on the bridge.  We had lunch on the boat as we are trying to use up food - remember?  We said goodbye to Mark and our plan was to put the dinghy in and play around.  The wind had a different plan.  Strong wind made the river too rough to enjoy a dinghy ride, so we decide to go to the pool instead.  We had the place to ourselves.

We took our standard after dinner walk and then back to the boat.

Thursday 07/09/20

Thursday was chore day again.  Marcia doing laundry, defrosting the freezer and started getting things packed up that need to go home.  Amazing how much stuff gets packed into the boat.  I worked outside, covering the dinghy, water proofing the cockpit cover, removing the bimini top, etc...  It is hurricane season down here.   We had debated about taking the dinghy out today, but the wind was about the same if not worse than yesterday.  You would think it would be cooler with the wind, but it isn't.  We were tired from all the packing, so we only walked up to the ice cream shop.

Friday 07/10/20

There was a lot to do today as we are planning to head out tomorrow.  After cooking up and eating breakfast, we went to work.  I cleaned the AC strainer again and checked the batteries water.  Marcia still packing things up inside.  We decide to take a break and walk over to Pier 22 for lunch.  We sat at the bar and had a cocktail.   I had to order the Jambalaya and Marcia got the chicken salad.  Again, FYI, you don't need to get the Jambalaya extra spicy.  We were in the AC but I was still sweating.

After lunch we did some more packing and then went to pick up the rental car.  There was not much to choose from, so I guess my good rental car streak is coming to an end.  Most of the car is now packed with only a few things that need to go in tomorrow.  Final flush on the AC, clean the grey water tank, set up the dehumidifier, flush and drain fresh water, etc... We are hoping to get on the road around 9:30 in the morning.  There a quite a few things that need to get done on the boat before we leave that can't be done until morning.  If all goes well, we should be home on Sunday evening.  We are planning to stop North of Atlanta for the night.

Oh Yeah - Cluck Norris has decided that he is going to stay and keep and eye on things.  He is alive and doing well for those that have been wondering.  He seems very happy in his nest.  He is coming up on his 1 year birthday since we got him at the Craig's Creek Raft Up.

Stay tuned.

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