Thursday, July 9, 2020

Twin Dolphin Marina - Bradenton FL Part 1

Wednesday, 7/1/20 - Saturday, 7/4/20
So we are now in Bradenton and are planning to stay here until March of next year when we will hopefully resume our Loop Trip up the East Coast and Great Lakes.  Covid strikes again.  Let me start with some overall statics for what we are calling Phase 3 and total since we left Cincinnati back in September of 2019.

Phase 3
Total miles - 368
Total days - 38
Travel days - 14
Engine hours - 41

Total Trip
Total miles - 3667
Total days - 158
Travel days - 68
Engine hours - 321
Oil changes - 2

We have been here a little over a week now, so I will just give a quick summary of the days.

Wednesday 7/1/20
We said our goodbyes to Alyssa and left Longboat Key around 10:30.  Not far to go to get to Bradenton, so we just took it slow.  We had to wait for the Cortez bridge to open, which was on a 20 minute schedule.  I decided to play with the camera and take some pictures as we waited.

Leaving Longboat Key
Waiting for Cortez Bridge

 We turned right when we got to Tampa Bay, and then turned right again to head up the Manatee River.  We arrived at Twin Dolphin Marina in Bradenton around lunchtime.

Twin Dolphin Marina

Once we got the boat fueled up, tied up, ate lunch, and checked in, I went to work cleaning some of the boat.  I did a good wash on the bridge, dinghy and back of the boat.  Marcia was cleaning inside.  We cleaned up and took a walk on the Riverwalk after dinner.

Interesting tree

Thursday 7/2/20

Marcia had made arrangements for a realtor to take us to look at the Inlets neighborhood and to look at a couple of houses.  Just getting an idea of the area and what the houses look like.  After lunch, I went to work washing the front of the boat.  Marcia was cleaning inside as we had made plans to take Alyssa and a couple of her friends out for a cruise on Friday.  We walked up into town and ate O'bricks Irish Pub.  After dinner we walked back to the boat but first Marcia had to try the ice cream from the Ice Cream shop right here at the marina.

Friday 7/3/20

On Friday, Alyssa, her friend Randy and other friend Kate showed up around 1:00.  Kate brought a gift of Peach Moonshine.  We took a nice cruise down to Cortez and then came back to the river and anchored out at a beach.  It was a good decision to get in and cool off.   Alyssa and Kate enjoyed riding on the bow. 

After we got back to the dock, we decided to walk over to the Oak and Stone for pizza.  Kate's husband Alex met us there also.

This was a pretty cool place.  They give a wrist band that you use to get whatever beer you want.  They probably had about 50 beer taps.  You tap your band and you only pay for the beer you pour.  Nice if you want to try several different beers.  It was nice that Randy picked up Marcia's and my check.  During dinner it was discovered that Alyssa and Randy had never seen the movie Captain Ron.  After leaving Kate and Alex the 4 of us headed back to the boat to watch Captain Ron.  (yes, I just happened to have it on the boat - go figure).  After the movie we played Rummikub again.  Marcia was the overall winner on the night.  Alyssa actually won a game.  Was a long day so we called it a night.  In the morning we walked over to Pier 22 for breakfast.  I had to get a Bloody Mary as they were on special.  Alyssa got one as well and so Marcia got a Mimosa.

We said goodbye to Alyssa with plans to meet up with her at her house (Elaine and Glen's house) on Tuesday for dinner.  It was not a productive day for me.  Pretty much laid on the couch all day.  I think I was over-served.  Marcia did some laundry and straightening up.  After dinner we took another walk on the Riverwalk. 

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