Saturday, June 27, 2020

Punta Gorda - Mark's House

Sunday 6/21/20 through 6/23/20

Miles today - 22   Total miles - 3541
Total days (phase 3) - 21

Sunday 6/21/20
We woke up well after sunrise at Cayo Costa anchorage.  We decided to cook up sausage and eggs for breakfast as we did not have far to travel today.  It was a quiet night.  I did try to take some pictures of the stars, but they did not turn out.  Lets just say that there were a lot of them.  I tried to catch a picture of the dolphins but there are too sneaky for me.  Nope - not doing well with the pictures of late.
Morning at anchorage

We got to Mark's house in Punta Gorda and tied off to his 42 Silverton around lunchtime.  Marcia and Deb went off to go shopping, and Mark and I went off to Walmart to get oil.  While getting the oil, we also picked up some steaks for dinner.   After WM, we went to Gator's for some wings and beer.  Back at the house, we got in the pool as it was hot.  We grilled up the steaks for dinner then we decided to go to Titi's as Marcia had not been there yet.   There was a nice breeze, and Jim and Sarah Sutliff also came and met us there.
Sunset at Titi's 

Jim & Sarah
 Mark & Deb
 Pat & Marcia
Back at the house, Mark and I had a cigar and a nightcap.

Monday 6/22/20
Today was a work day.  Marcia cleaned and did laundry and I went to the engine room.  Changing the oil in October in Cincinnati is not bad, changing it in Florida summertime is just brutal.  Other than sweating out about 90% of the water in my body, it was done.  It actually went pretty smooth other than HOT.  I did manage not to spill any oil.  Each engine takes about 5 1/2 gallons of oil.  I also changed my Racor fuel filters.  After that was done, I showered and then Mark and I got rid of all the used oil and jugs.  We sat in the pool for a while and then got ready to meet Jim and Sarah for dinner.  They invited us all over for a grill out at their house.  Dinner was great, pork chops, scallop potatoes and salad.  Sarah even made a Key Lime pie for Mark's birthday.

Tuesday 6/23/20
Marcia and I borrowed Mark's car and made a provisioning trip to Walmart.  We did not need a lot, mostly beer and water.  After Walmart and lunch, the 3 of us went to Fisherman's Village.  We walked a few shops and ended up at Harpoon Harry's for cocktails.  Bloody Mary was good and the beers were cold, Marcia had a Mule.  After the Village, we stopped by Beth and John Roepke's to say hi.  They are friends from back when we had the boat at Rivertowne.  It was nice to visit and catch up with them.  Back at Mark's house, we had a plan that he and I would go to Fadora's Cigar bar and then Marcia and Deb would drive up later when Deb got off work.  Timing worked out pretty well as we were just finishing our cigars when Marcia and Deb got there.  We went next door to Pioneer Pizza which was really good.  Back at the house, it was an early night as the last couple of weeks are starting to catching up to me.  We hung out on the boat and turned in early.

Next post will catch you up on Boca Grande.

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