Monday, June 15, 2020

Still in Ft. Myer

So picking up where we left off (Friday), we did walk down to see Rick's boat which is on the same dock as us.  He is the owner of Pirates Cove at Four Seasons Marina for those that don't know.  We had the grand tour and a few beers with him and caught up.

Rick and Sarah's Boat

After leaving Rick's boat, we came back and said our goodbye's to Rick and Rhonda on R&R.  They are driving back to Michigan and were packing up to leave.  I am sure we will meet up with them again in the spring when we head up the East coast. 

We decided to walk up to the pool that is on-site here.  Pool is not big, about the size of the Sandbar's, but the water was wet.  We hung out there for a couple of hours and continued happy hour.

We used the grills here and cooked up a pork loin for dinner.  After dinner we walked into downtown.  A few bars and restaurants, but not many shops, and they were closed anyway.  We ended up at the cigar bar and met up with Rick again.  Ventilation was good, and Marcia was able to stick it out while I had a cigar.

Saturday was a chore day.  I worked in the engine room checking the water levels of all the batteries.  Most of them are not bad, but there are a few that drew blood and a few curse words.  Marcia did laundry and cleaned the inside.  After showers, we relaxed and waited for friends from Four Seasons, Tom and Brenda Adams to show up.  Plan was to go to their house and hang at the pool.  The rain changed those plans.  We stayed on the boat and had happy hour while waiting for the rain to pass.  After the rain we went with them to see their new house.  We had a good dinner with them at a local place.

They dropped us back off at the boat, then we had a night cap on the bridge.  That would be bourbon and a cigar for me.  It was good seeing them again as it has been several years.  We actually met them when we had our previous boat at Rivertowne Marina.

On Sunday, Rick offered us the use of his car, so after breakfast we took him up on the offer.  We planned to go to West Marina (again), as I found a broken exhaust clamp when checking the batteries.  There was still one clamp on, but two are better.  After West Marine, we went to Costco to get more beer.  I know!  Surprisingly, Costco did not have any can beer.  Quick stop at Publix fixed that.  After running errands, we hung out on the boat.  Just when I was getting ready to grill up dinner it started to rain again.  We ended up just cooking on the boat.  I went with Rick back to the cigar bar while Marcia took the alone time on the boat.  I was content with my Yuengling until I saw the Blanton's bourbon.  HAD to get some.  Good time hanging out.

Rick's car - our free ride :) 
Cigar bar

Monday was some more chores.  I pumped out both holding tanks.  It is a do it yourself, where the hose and pump are on a cart and you have the connections on the dock.  After that I fixed the clamp issue on the exhaust.  We have plans to meet Mark and Debbie for dinner tonight.  She works in Ft. Myer and he is driving down from Punta Gorda.  We are planning to meet at Joe's Crab Shack, but have dinner at Izzy's.  Not the Izzy's from Cincinnati.  This is a seafood and oyster place.  We are looking forward to it as several people have recommended it to us.  Will let you know how it is.  There is a good chance that we may end up at the cigar bar again tonight.

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