Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Cocoa Villiage, FL - 04/13/21

 Tuesday 4/13/21 (Cocoa Village)

Day Miles:      68   

Total Miles:    4015

Travel Days:   73

Total Days     167

So our plan was to get up early, get fuel and then head out for Cocoa Village, about 68 miles.  You know what they say about plans....   Anyway, we set alarms and dragged out of bed at 6:30 to prepare to go over to the fuel dock.  Remember we did not get it on Sunday due to the weather.  Fuel dock opens at 6:30.  We were very efficient and tied up at the fuel dock at 6:45.  Frustrating that the kid that was supposed to open up must of had a rough night and did not show up until 7:20.  Anyway, took on 300 gallons and turned left (North) up the ICW.  We passed Vero Beach, where we left the boat in April and May after the Bahamas.  It was cool to be navigating in un-traveled waters again.  

Vero Beach, Loggerhead Marina
New Water
Nice house with private beach

I called Simrad, electronics on boat, to get help on a minor chart plotter issue I was having.  BIG MISTAKE!!.  The "tech" had me soft reboot the system.  Short version is almost nothing was working.  I spent at least an hour of cruising trying to restore my setups and equipment.  Could go on for a while about it, will not bore you here.  Let's just say it reminded me of Direct TV.

We made good time and pulled into Cocoa Village Marina around 12:45.  Turns out we are docked right next to Island Time, Ray and Holly who we met at Rolland Martin.  I did a quick wash down on the back of the boat to get some of the diesel soot off and then took a shower.  We walked up into check out the Cocoa Village Downtown.  Plan was to grab pizza for dinner at Ryans on the balcony, but turns out they are closed on Tuesdays.  We did find a Beir Garden to stop in and have a beverage.

We walked around and visited some of the shops and managed not to purchase anything.

We ended up drinking and eating dinner at Murdocks.  Fish dip, po boy, and flat bread was good and service was better.  We are back at the boat now, and I am enjoy a MJ12 (cigar) and Marcia is watching a show.  Plan is to run about 50 miles tomorrow to New Smyrna Beach.  

Lucy seems to be adjusting to the boat again, somewhat.  Don't think she likes cruising as much as not moving, but she does not have much of a choice.

Lucy does seem to have settled in for dinner time!
She does like it better when we are at dock.
For you who have not noticed, Cluck Norris is still with us and has been in every post so far.  OK, just kidding.  But I did make you think about it.  As you can tell from his expression, it does not seem to bother him if we are moving or not.
I did mention that we were day drinking and now I am having a Bourbon, right?  It is a beautiful night here and we are happy to be continuing our trip.  Blogging 1 day is a lot easier than trying to recap 3 days.  :)

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