Sunday, April 18, 2021

Palm Coast & St Augustine (04/16, 17, 18 -2021)

Friday  4/16/21 

Day Miles:      29  

Total Miles:    4111

Travel Days:   76

Total Days     170

Saturday 4/17/21

Day Miles:      0

Total Miles:    4111

Travel Days:   76

Total Days     171

Sunday 4/17/21

Day Miles:      25

Total Miles:    4136

Travel Days:   77

Total Days     172

So alot has happened over the last few days.  We left Daytona expecting an easy run up to Palm Coast.  We only made it about 1 mile before I had an alarm going off on the Port engine.  After shutting it down, we went out of the channel and I began to investigate.  The engine was over heating and it was a high temperature alarm.  Down in the engine room I removed the strainer cap and opened the seacock to be sure we did not have a water flow issue.  That being good I next took the cover off of the impeller, or raw water pump, that pumps water through the engine.  At a glace it appeared to be OK.  We had plans to meet Andrew and Cheri Hyde in Palm Coast and decided it would be better to go forward and get there instead of going back to our marina.  It was a long day running the 20+ miles on 1 engine.  Several calls with Washington Marina with Tom, Mike and Greg to help trouble shoot what the issue might be.  Going to give the short version now.  Went to 2 auto parts store to get a pump to do  a pressure check.  Neither store had what I needed.  Decided to change the impeller on Saturday morning and added coolant to the system.  The impeller change was as hard if not harder than I expected, but managed to get it changed.  Will run the boat on Sunday to St. Augustine to test engine temperatures

Impeller that need to be pulled and changed.

.We made plans to eat dinner at Andrew and Cheri's house on Friday night.  The have a very nice house off the intracostal on a canal.  It was raining, so we decided to order pizza instead of grilling out.  Dinner was good and it was great catching up with them.  

Andrew picked us up in the morning and we made a quick Publix run to restock a few things.  After shopping I went to work on changing the impeller.  Andrew and Cheri picked us up again and we headed into downtown St. Augustine.  It is nice that their house was only 2 miles from the boat.  St Augustine was really neat and we had a lot of fun at the outdoor bars and restaurants as well as visiting a lot of the shops.

St. Augustine

Almost bought some Ass spices.

We did find a Biker Bar - Thought of Don, Steve and Joni.

Sailboat races

After St. Augustine went went to the European Village which was very close to the boat.  We relaxed there and ended up eating at an Italian restaurant for dinner.  Dinner was excellent and a lot of it.

Even though the weather was not predicted to be very nice, we decide to try to make the 25 mile run to St. Augustine anyway, mainly to check and see if the engine was going to over heat or not.  So far the repairs that I made seem to be working.  The engine did not overheat.  Not ready to call it completely fixed yet though.  We have about a 60 mile run tomorrow and I will keep my eye on it.  Not a very nice day for boating, but we made it here to St. Augustine and are tied up at a nice marina downtown.  Sun did come out in the afternoon.  There are several loopers here that are talking about getting together for docktails this evening.  If the weather holds out we will join.  Keep your finger crossed and us in your prayers.


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