Saturday, April 24, 2021

Jekyll Island & Savannah (4/21-4/24)

Wednesday  4/21/21

Day Miles:      32

Total Miles:    4229

Travel Days:   79

Total Days     175

Thursday  4/22/21 - Saturday 4/24/21

Day Miles:      92

Total Miles:    4321

Travel Days:   80

Total Days     178

We left Fernandina Beach and headed to Jekyll Island.  We are now no longer in Florida as we crossed the boarder somewhere into Georgia.  The scenery changed from developed Florida homes to nothing but miles and miles of sawgrass.  Still interesting as we have not seen this before.  The AICW winds around quite a bit in this area.

First sailboat we saw actually sailing
Jekyll Island Marina

We arrived at Jekyll Island around lunch time and began our normal end of cruising chores.  Wash diesel soot off back, engine room check, shut down electronics, etc...  I still have the issue of loosing coolant in the Port engine but I can keep it in check by adding water to it.  The marina has a courtesy golf cart that we were able to secure for 1 1/2 hours.  We rode pretty much the whole island.  Beautiful old mansions with manicured lawns and huge trees.

Driftwood beach

After our self guided tour of the island, we met up with Jackpot and Happiness Is.  Jackpot reminded us that they were making red beans, sausage and rice for dinner.  We made Skyline dip, Happiness Is brought salsa, there was also corn bread and a charcuterie tray.  Skyline was a big hit as most had not tried it before.

The night ended with another perfect sunset.
It was an early start on Thursday as we had a 92 mile run to Savannah.  Winds were blowing pretty hard - 15-20 so making the trip out into the Atlantic was out.  It was also a cold morning for boating at 51 degrees.  As were were headed into a North wind, and the speed from the boat, the front snaps on the isenglass wouldn't hold.  We ended up taking the front panels down.  While the boat was running on plane, I went down into the engine room to see if I could find where my coolant leak was coming from.  Good news / bad news is I did find it.  It is leaking out of a water pipe that I tightened up the other day.  A lot of the cruise was trying to find a mechanic that could come fix the leak, as well as a canvas shop that could repair my snaps.  No luck on either.  We did find a canvas shop that had the snaps that we could pick up and then I can try to change them.  Once we got to Savannah, I looked up the "O" ring that I think I need to fix the leak and we are having that overnighted to Hilton Head.  After a long day, we just took the courtesy car about 2 miles to dinner at Castaways.  Dinner was actually good and it was nice to relax after the stressful day.

We made plans to use the courtesy car from 9:30 to 11:30 to run some errands on Friday morning.  Nobody had it reserved after us, so she gave us the car until 1:00.  Good thing!  Went something like this:  Canvas shop, West Marine, Dollar General, Canvas shop, Walmart, Kroger, gas station.  Car only used 1 gallon of gas.  Back at the boat, Marcia began to put things away and I gave the entire boat a much needed washing.  Cleaned up, then it took us over 40 minutes to get an Uber to take us into downtown Savannah.  It was a great town to stop at.

Thought it was a cool name for a bar.
Reminded me of Don's dog "Griz"
City Market
Lot of cycle carts
Steep steps
Warning - Mature audiences only

River walk
Waving lady statue waves a handkerchief at passing ships on the Savannah River in hopes that her departed sailor lover is on one of them.


Dinner at Huey's  - local beer and a lemon drop, with sorbet in it.
Gumbo was really good.
Shrimp etouffee
Beignet's for dessert

Lot of walking but it was really fun checking out Savannah.  We are not traveling on Saturday which turns out was a good decision.  It has been raining here all day.  I did switch out the snaps that I got from the canvas shop and did some chart plotting and cleaning on the bridge.  Marcia is in marathon laundry mode, paying bills and cleaning.  Dinner on the boat tonight and off to Hilton Head tomorrow.  We made plans to meet some friends that we met in Green Turtle Bay back in September of 2019.  


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