Friday, March 6, 2020

Bahama Baby !!!!

We left Key Largo on Wednesday morning headed for Bimini in the Bahamas.  After a long wait (4 days), the winds were showing an OK crossing.  We left around 7am, and made the 85 mile crossing to Bimini.  Was not a bad run.  Waves were 2 to 3 foot in the beginning, but got bigger to 4 to 5 footers as the wind increased and we got closer to Bimini.

Leaving Key Largo Wednesday morning

 Crossing to Bimini

 Coming into Bimini

Boat at Blue Water Bimini Marina
 View from the Bimini Marina
 View from Bimini Marina

When we arrived at Bimini, Mark and I went to clear Customs and Immigration.  Nobody else was allowed off the boat until we cleared.  No issues clearing Customs so all good there - I know - Surprising.  Boats were full of salt from the spray, so we did have to do a quick wash down.  After that we walked up to Big Game Marina for drinks and dinner.  We did also manage a celebratory cigar and bourbon.

Bar along the way
 Celebratory beers

 Just a view from the walk

On Thursday we walked the island for a bit and then went over to the beach.  The water was warm and the water is so blue and clear the pictures do not do it justice.  We walked down to Big John's for dinner and it was excellent.  Shrimp, Lobster, Grouper, and Conch.  Back to the boat for more Bourbon :).

View of the beach, and Yes that is a real Cohiba
 More beach
 More beach

Water was beautiful 
 Dinner at Big John's
 Dolphin House.  1 guy building this over 27 years

Had a little bit of rain on Friday morning, then we dropped the dinghy in for a little cruise. After the cruise it was off to Sharky's for some Kalik's and ribs.  Fresh off the grill, and was some of the best ribs that I have had.

Sea Plane for those in a higher income bracket
 Little sport fish yacht
 Think this could really be Boyle-n-Water IV - it even has the "5" already on it.
 No words

Shorter post this time. but believe me, it is so cool to have the boat here.  Truly feels like we are starting to get into Island time Mon!!

FYI - new ice maker is working great

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