Friday, March 13, 2020

Chub Cay - Berry Islands, Bahamas

Stats -  Wednesday, March 4 - 100 miles - 2785 total.   Days on boat 101, 48 travel days.

OK - sorry I have been slow on updating the blog, but we have been having a lot of fun over here.  First off, I did not realize that some of the pictures did not upload from the last post.  I am going to blame the internet instead of user error.  Anyway, pictures are now uploaded so you can go back and look at them. 

Even though today is Friday and we are in Palm Cay, headed for the Exumas tomorrow, I am only going to update on Wednesday.  We decided to move on from Bimini and go to Chub Cay in the Berry Islands.  The waves on the bank (80 miles of 20 ft water) was predicted to be 2.5 to 3.5 feet.  Once we went around the North side of Bimini, we were taking the waves on the bow.  Was a fairly rough ride for most of the day.  We did hit a small patch of rain that left a great rainbow.

After the Bank, we went into what is called the Tongue.  Basically the water goes from 20 feet to over 3000 feet.  Depth finder stopped working soon after hitting 800 feet.
Waves in the Tongue were bigger and harder.  We pounded through, but not without some issues.  Boat mechanically ran great, but things inside did get tossed about.  A picture broke, cabinets were tossed, and one of the bigger issues was that the dingy screw mounts all got pulled out.  Will have to do some work on that for a temporary fix until we are back in the states.  Oh yeah, another 1st was the toilet paper came unrolled.  FYI - we are doing fine on TP.  Guess the Corona virus is not as bad over here as in the states.
Chub Cay is a beautiful marina.  Some very nice boats here and the grounds are well kept.  Picture of us entering the Marina
Boat at Chub Cay
Restaurant, pool and check in.

Chickens seem to be roaming around freely.  By the way, Cluck is doing fine.  He is still on the boat, just does not like the rough seas.  He may make an appearance soon.

Lucy even had a rough day of it.  Some bottle shifted in the storage area and she was not able to make it to her litter box.  She had a small number 1 accident, but hard to get mad at her.  She is now recovered and found a new spot when Marcia was making the bed.
We ended up walking up to the Nauti Rooster for dinner instead of going to the main house.  I got the cracked conch and chili cheese fries.  I tried, but even I could not eat it all, but it was good.

Did I say some nice boats - 92 ft Viking
Same boat at night.

We left on Thursday and went to Palm Cay on the Southeast side Nassau.  That will be the next post.

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