Sunday, March 29, 2020

Vero Beach

Saturday 03/28/20

After deciding to keep the boat here for a month, we began the process of packing, cleaning and preparing the boat for when we leave.  Marcia worked inside cleaning and staging things that need to come home.  I decided to tackle the dinghy mount.  After talking to Washington Marine, Greg said to bring the mount home and he would weld some reinforcements on it so that it will not bend and pull out again.  I began the search for 2x4 or 4x4 that I could use to place the dinghy on, instead of the bracket.  The marina was nice and said they had some old post behind a shed.  They armed me with a battery saw and off I went.  Found a 3x4 post that I cut that should work nicely.  I put the dinghy in the water and removed the old mount bracket.  After I had the bracket off, wanted to use some electrical tape to cover the holes so that water does not get in.  35 holes to be exact.  Naturally I could not find my electrical tape, so I borrowed the bike here to ride to Publix and pick some up.  The bike was old and rusted, and I found out the hard way that it did not have brakes.  This did not prove to be an issue for such an experience rider as myself.  Back at the boat I taped all the holes and put some painters tape on top of that.  It should prevent any water from getting in until I can get back down and repair the holes.  I am hoping that the bracket will fit in the rental car.

Some of you may remember Andrew and Cheri Hyde from Four Seasons.  They are living in St. Augustine now.  Turns out that they were driving back from Ft. Lauderdale after picking up a new dinghy they bought.  They stopped and visited with us for a couple of hours.  It was great catching up with them again.  We will plan to see them again when we make our way up the coast.  I did have to ride the bike again to show them how to get back to the marina.

Andrew and Cheri leaving

After they left, I finished cleaning up and putting everything away from the dinghy project.  We ate on the boat again and then walked the docks here.  There are a couple of other Loopers here, and two of them we had met before on the Tennessee River.  We forced ourselves to watch the end of the Irishmen.  It felt like the movie was 5 hours long instead of 3 1/2.  We think it could have been done in 1 hour.

Sunday 03/29/20

Today was all about the engine room.  I started out by flushing the generator with fresh water.  Then it was onto the air conditioners.  When those were done, I did both engines.  After all the saltwater was flushed, I decided to do some scrubbing in the bilge.  If you remember, I did have that oil leak that kind of made a mess of things.  Water, Dawn and scrub brush made a huge improvement.  After that I decided to check all of the battery water levels.  Two engine batteries, a house battery, generator battery and four thruster batteries.  I used the wet dry vac to get all of the remaining water out of the bilge.  Marcia and I then retied up the boat to be sure it was going to be OK for the time we are going to be gone.  With everything cleaned up it was time to take a shower.  (nobody face-timed me this time) Sarah and Laura :).

I am not sure if this shirt is going to make the trip home.  Might have to retire it.  

With everything closed here, not much to do except project work on the boat.  Marcia has most everything staged for the trip home already.   We found a driver that is going to take us to get the rental car tomorrow.  We are supposed to get our holding tanks pumped out tomorrow morning so things seem to be coming together.

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