Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Still in Key Largo - for the moment

Monday - 03/02/20

On Monday we took another walk in the morning.  Nothing too exciting, just wanted to get off the boat for a while.  We did stop at the Snook Bayside restaurant for a Bloody Mary and a Lobster sandwich.  Both were excellent.  I will try to stop blogging about eating and drinking, but it will be hard.

We just did some chores on the boat the rest of the day, then I started happy hour with a beer and cigar.  We kept it simple and cooked up dinner on the boat.

The good news is that it appears that we will cast lines and head over to the Bahamas on Wednesday.  Wind and waves look to be OK, at least a lot better than what they have been over the last week.  We are ready to move on and are looking forward to getting to Bimini.  We will not have cell coverage in the Bahamas, so do not expect me to respond to text.  If you call me, you may get international phone charges, so check you plan first.  There is a free app call "WhatsApp".  It is an internet calling and texting app.  That will be the best way to communicate with us if you would like.

Tuesday we Uber'ed to Publix and did a small restocking trip.  Cabinets are full, freezer is full, refrigerator is full,  cooler is stocked and full of ice, water is full, fuel is full, you get the idea.  We are as ready as we are going to be.

Oh - forgot a funny story in the last entry.  As we were all sitting on the back of Mark's boat waiting to go to the Fishery for dinner, a bird flew over and relieved itself on Marcia.  Right down Mark's boat, into her hair and down her arm.  I know that this usually happens to me, but not this time.  Marcia was quite displeased with this event.  (use your imagination) :). 

Next time I hope to be blogging from the Bahamas.  Fingers crossed and pray for a smooth and safe crossing.

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