Friday, August 13, 2021

Grand Haven, MI 08/07 - 08/09/2021

Saturday, Sunday & Monday 08/07 - 08/09/2021

Day Miles: 73

Total Miles:  6981

Travel Days:  136

Total Days:  285


We left Ludington on Saturday in fairly calm seas.  The Lake was about 1 to 2 foot waves which is better than what we have been seeing.  "Jackpot" and "New Hope" also decided to leave for Grand Haven as well as the weather for the next few days was predicted to be bad.  We ended up running most of the way as that was a smoother ride than going slow.

It was a Saturday and the fishing boats were out in full force as we left the marina.

It was the annual Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven.  The river was very busy with boat traffic and the downtown was set up for the festival.  A little bit chaotic as we entered in on a Saturday.  Reminded us of a miniature WEBN. 

We had to travel about 3 miles up the river to get to our marina at Grand Isle.  We took on fuel at the marina and got tied up on the center dock.  "New Hope" came in shortly after and tied up in front of us.  
We were also right in front of another Carver 45 Voyager.  We met them and got talking.  They were heading North and were out of New Buffalo.  Since we have not been able to get a slip there, I asked if we could us theirs.  Short version is they got approval and we now have a free dock for when we get to New Buffalo.  We took it easy and cooked up dinner on the boat and ate with Sonny, Brenda and Jordan on our fly bridge.  
Fireworks were scheduled for that night and we had a nice view of them.

On Sunday morning we made plans to move back down the river to the Municipal Marina which was located right in downtown.  It was a little more rocky at this marina as it is not protected and there was still a bit of other boat traffic out.  Brenda and Jordan caught a ride down and met us at our boat.  We spent the afternoon walking the downtown seeing the shops and stopping for lunch.  They had a hard time finding an Uber to get back, but we said our goodbyes and they left.  About an hour later, Jack and Joann called to say that they were picking us up in a friends dinghy and we were going up to pick up "New Hope" for dinner.  Back up the river again.  All no wake zone, so it took about 45 minutes to get there.  They had dinner while Marcia and I split some chicken tenders. We said goodbye to "New Hope" again as they are driving Jordan home and we will not see them for awhile.  We did have a nice sunset on the way back.

Again back at the boat we said our goodbyes to "Jackpot" as they are staying in Grand Haven to visit his sister and flying home for a few days.  We had a front row seat for the daily Musical fountain light show.  It is reported that is the biggest show second only to the Bellagio in Las Vegas.   

After a somewhat bouncy night in the unprotected marina, we slept in and then decided to walk up to Anne's Place for breakfast.  It lived up to it's reputation and it was very good.

We took it easy most of the day as we were both exhausted from the last few days.  It was not a nice day anyway with lots of West wind.  The boat rocked all day and it rained off and on.  Marcia did get a load of laundry done, using the dryer at the marina.  No our dryer did not miraculously fix itself.  We ate on the boat and prepared for a bumpy night with the strong West wind.  Well that was an understatement.  One of the worst nights that we had on the boat in LONG time.  2 foot rollers were rocking us and slamming us into the dock all night long.  I had the balls out and the fenders but that did not keep us from rocking and banging.  We were up early and ready to leave.  We didn't care if it was 6 footers out there, we were moving.  The 55 foot boat next to me was supposed to stay 3 more days and he said he was leaving also.  Oh well, what are you going to do?  All in all a great stop and timed it right for fireworks and Musical fountain light show.


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