Monday, August 9, 2021

Traverse City, MI 08/01/2021

Sunday 0/8/01/2021

Day Miles: 46

Total Miles:  6766

Travel Days:  132

Total Days:  277

So we had to make a "go" "no go" decision on Sunday morning.  Wind was blowing in the high teens and waves were predicted to be high as well.  We did want to see Traverse City and staying another day would mean that we would miss this stop.  After some thought we decided to go.  The wind was from the West which meant that we would be taking the waves on the beam for about the 1st 10-15 miles of our trip.  I know that the last 25 miles would be down Traverse Bay and the waves would be behind us.  As we got out onto the lake, we were quickly in some of the roughest water that we have been in to date on the trip.  Waves were a good 6 foot at least and rocking the boat so hard that we had to hang on and I think the props came out of the water once or twice.  I had to "tact", change course to head more into the waves so that we were not taking them directly on the side.  After a few miles I was able to turn and put them a little behind me.  I sped up which actually smoothed out the ride.  As we turned down Traverse Bay the waves did drop down some and they were now behind me.  It was "blanking", fill in with the worst adjective you are comfortable with, rough.  We had another 1st as a water jug slide across the shelf it sits on and fell 6 feet, bursting on the platform at the bottom of our stairs.  Gallon of water in the carpet.

No pictures from the ride today as it was just too rough to try and take any.  As we entered the Marina the wind was blowing us into the fuel dock so we were able to fuel up and pump out.  We were informed that there was still a boat in our slip so we could not dock.  We ended up going into a temporary slip as we waited for Mr. Inconsiderate and friends to come back from town and leave.  It was after 12:00 and checkout time is 11:00.  By the time that they left the wind had increased into the 20's.  I had to try and hold the boat in the marina as another boat attempted to dock.  He finally got into his slip on about the 7th try, after hitting the concrete wall, the piling, the dock and 7 dock hands.  My turn to try with a slew of onlookers now.  I backed down the "fairway" and Marcia tried to toss a dock line to Jack and staff who were waiting on the dock.  Missed the 1st time.  2nd time we were successful and I managed to get the boat into the slip against the wind with a concrete wall on the other side.  Long to read, but not all days are stress free.  

"Jackpot" and "New Hope" were at the marina and after securing the boat and dropping the heart rate we walked up into town and met them.  We walked town for a bit and then back to the boat.  Jack and Joann left on their bikes as they were at a different marina.  We went to dinner with Sonny, Brenda and their granddaughter Jordan.  Dinner was just OK and service was worse.

Hard to see with the sun, but is canoe art.
Sonny and I had a cigar and then we called it a night.  Long run tomorrow, but weather looks better also.

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