Monday, November 4, 2019

C-Quarters - Carabelle, FL

Stats Sunday 11/04/19:  Total days - 55, Travel days 33,  Miles today - 96, Total mile - 1916

So we had a big change in plans today.  The original plan was to go the 60 miles to Apalachicola and then onto Carabelle on Tuesday.  From there we were going to plan to cross the Gulf on Thursday.  Note that our Gulf crossing is about 200 miles of open water.  Biggest concern is the wind which then drives the waves.   In looking at the weather and talking to the local expert at C-Quarters, it appears that the best day for crossing would be Tuesday.  The rest of the week was not going to be possible based on the weather predictions.  The outlook would be that if we did not go on Tuesday, then we would be stuck for at least a week.  At noon, we decided to skip Apalachicola and go the whole way to Carabelle.  Yes it was a LONG day.  Not a lot of scenery today as we were in a connecting river most of the day and then out in the open bays.  Temperatures were better, but still very windy. 

We arrived at C-Quarters around 4:00, and I choked the fuel tanks full.  Running the 200 miles on plane tomorrow will use up a lot of my 560 gallons.  Once in the slip, I rinsed the salt off the boat and did all of my engine room checks.  Marcia prepared the inside for rough weather.  Even though the crossing appears to be doable tomorrow, it will most likely still be an unpleasant ride.  Winds are supposed to be around 10mph and waves are predicted around 2 foot.

We were prepared to eat an easy dinner on the boat, but the locals at the marina have a pot luck every Monday.  We were invited up and ate, even though we felt bad that we did not have anything prepared to bring.  Waypoints are entered, sandwiches made, and caffeine drinks on ice (diet Mtn Dew).  Marcia has secured everything she can think of preparing for a rough ride.

Plan is to depart at 1st light, and hopefully arrive in Tarpon Springs around 5:00.  We will try to remember to post on Facebook that we arrived safely.  Not sure if we will have cell signal out in the Gulf.  Pray for clear skies and smooth sailing!

Might have to click to enlarge, but big boat lifted out of the water.
 Going through the connecting river
 Sailboat for sale?  Cheap!
 Can still see the hurricane damage.
 Apalachicola bridge and marinas
 C-Quarters - Not fancy, but cheapest fuel yet at $2.50 a gallon!
Sunset at C-Quarters.  "Red skies at night, sailors delight" - We sure hope so!

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