Wednesday, November 6, 2019

WE CROSSED - Tarpon Springs

Stats Wednesday 11/06/19:  Total days - 57, Travel days 34,  Miles today - 170, Total mile - 2086

So the weather predictions did not change, so we headed out before sunrise to cross the Gulf to Tarpon Springs.  We were told that it would be "unpleasant but doable".  We now know what unpleasant means.  When we got into the gulf, we were in 2-3 foot waves.  Does not sound like much, but trust me, it was rough.  Marcia planned well.  We had a cooler on the bridge with drinks, sandwiches, and snacks.  It was so rough that you could not move from one seat to the other without falling or hanging on to something very tight.  After about 15 minutes, 2 boats that were behind us radioed that they were turning back.  We stayed the course as we were trusting that it would get better later in the day.  We passed a couple of boats that were headed out with us, and did not see another boat for over 6 hours.

Not long into the trip, my bilge pump light was going on.  1st thing that popped into my head was that my exhaust repair came off.  Had to put the boat in neutral and make my way down to the engine room.  Good news was that all is OK.  The bilge pump kicked on occasionally  and then not for long.  I think that we were taking waves and water was coming in through the engine room vents.  After that, every time we hit a bigger wave a siren would go off for 2 seconds or so.  After several big ones, it kicked on and stayed on.  Back in neutral I went on the search for what it could be.  Turns out it was a carbon monoxide detector in the cabin.  Turned it off and was relieved it was not something mechanical.  After that it was 7 hours of waves, no land, no boats, etc...   Boat ran well and the waves started to drop after about 2 hours.  The last 3 hours the waves were  1 foot or less, so weather was accurate for a change.  About 30 miles out we started to see the crab pot markers.  Managed to avoid them all.  

We arrived at Tarpon Springs and made our way up the river to Turtle Cove.  The boat was covered in salt and diesel soot.  I had to wash the back just so we could get on and off the boat with getting our hands black with everything we touched.  We ate dinner on the boat.  We were both exhausted, so I did not have it in me for a celebratory drink and cigar.  We collapsed at 8:30.   

After a good nights sleep, we did some chores on the boat (and repairs).  Anchor light came loose, washer moved, ceiling panel fell, hanging shelf in closet broke, cabinet contents were a mess, a few screws on the dinghy mount were loose, etc... you get the idea.  We walked around Tarpon Springs (The sponge capital of the world).  Feels like we are finally in Florida with a sunny 80 degree day.  We ended up having dinner with another Looper here.  Yes, seafood again.  We are back at the boat now and I am having my cigar and beer on the bridge typing this.  Marcia is doing yet another load of laundry.   

We have a few relaxing days planned over the next week as we make our way down to Mark's in Punta Gorda.  Not a lot of pictures from the crossing as it was hard enough  to just stay seated.  

Leaving out of Carabelle
 Sunrise heading out in a light rain.

Gulf is starting to calm down.
Halfway mark.

 Our view for most of the day.  Obviously it was later in the day when the Gulf calmed down.  You can see a crab pot about 11:00
Crab pot as you got closer.  The buoy is attached to a rope that is attached to a crab pot.  You don't want to run over these as they will get caught up in your props.  They are pretty thick as you come into Tarpon Springs.
 Coming into Tarpon Springs
 Vikings everywhere.  I need to get one of these next time I cross.

Anchor light after the crossing.  Was an easy fix to straighten and tighten some screws. 
 Tarpon Springs
 Sponge boat at Tarpon
They do have some weird fish down here.
 For the record, this is Jambalaya, not Gumbo.  Was very good! 

Onto St. Petersburg tomorrow for a couple of days and then to Bradenton to visit with Marcia's niece Alyssa for a couple of days .  Thanks to everyone who texted and called to be sure we were OK.  Hoping to relax and enjoy the next couple of weeks.  Oh yeah, for all of you in Cincinnati and north, enjoy the snow!!

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