Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sarasota - Marina Jacks - Day 2

Stats Monday 11/12/19:  Total days - 63, Travel days 37,  Miles today - 30, Total mile - 2198

We had a fun day today.  We woke up, ate breakfast and showered.  We had arranged for the free shuttle here to take us over to Armand Circle to check out the shops and restaurants.  We were hoping to meet up with Tom Wagner's (friend from work) parents, as they have a condo here in Sarasota.  Timing of when we had to meet the shuttle did not work out for that.  We managed to control ourselves and not buy much at the shops.  Was fun to walk around and look at all the stuff though.  We did find a place to have a beer and some grouper bites.

After the shuttle picked us back up and we got back to the boat, we decided to drop the dinghy in and play around.  Our plan was to go out into the Gulf and find a beach.  It was kind of rough out in the dinghy, but we made it across the bay and into the outlet.  As we neared the Gulf, we started seeing some 3-4 swells.  Decided that my dinghy was not big enough and we turned around.  We stopped at Old Salty Dog for a couple of drinks. 

We got back to the boat, after running around.  Guess the bay gets less than 1 foot deep.  No damage, no issues.  We put the dinghy back up and said hi to a couple of other Looper boats that just came in, who we had not met yet.  We walked the docks looking at some of the mega yachts here.

I know - the name got me too.

 Next center console ??

Took it easy and cooked up dinner on the boat.  I did put the bridge cover on as we had a brief rain shower move through.  Yep, still beats snow.  Weather permitting, we are headed out for Venice tomorrow morning.

Until then.  :)

Oh yeah - Cluck Norris is doing fine.

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