Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mark's House - Punta Gorda

Stats Saturday 11/16/19:  Total days - 67, Travel days 39,  Miles today - 50, Total mile - 2264

Sorry for the delay in posting, but has been a busy few days.  The night at Venice Yacht Club was one of the worst nights on the boat.  Winds never died down all night, so boat was rocking and bouncing off the piers, and the waves were slapping against the boat all night.  We kind of anticipated that it was going to be a rough night.  We were up early and cast off around 8:00.  Our plan was to go to Boca Grande on Thursday and hit the beach and spend the night, and then go to Mark's house in Punta Gorda on Friday.   Friday's weather was predicted to be thunderstorms all day, and Thursday was not raining, but overcast, windy and about 70.  We decided to skip Boca and just go all the way to Mark's.  Was only a 50 mile day, so not too bad.  Had a lot of wind, but only time it was an issue was waiting for a bridge and crossing Charlotte Harbor.  Waves were about 2-3 foot, but boat took them well.

We arrived at Mark's early afternoon, and he was waiting to catch our lines.  We are tied off to his boat and he is letting us use his power.  Not a bad deal!  It has been about 20 years since Mark and I have had our boats tied off together, so was kind of neat.  I washed the salt off the boat and then we started happy hour.  Jim and Sarah Sutliff came over and joined.  When Debbie got home we went out for pizza and then back to see Jim and Sarah's new house.  Very nice!  

Leaving Venice Yacht Club.   
 Englewood bridge

 Mark's house, and home for the next 5 nights

Scott Culshaw was in town working on his next boat.  Us and Jim and Sarah met him for dinner at the Village Fish Market.

Friday was a work day on the boat.  I buffed and waxed the steps going up to the bridge.  It was raining most of the day, so could not do much outside.  Marcia worked inside.  Saturday was a work day on the boat.  I changed the oil in the engines and Marcia worked inside.  Are you seeing a trend?   We ended up meeting Scott for dinner again, and then went over to see his new boat.  Tomorrow the plan is to fuel up and pump out the holding tanks.  I may try to pressure wash the non-skid and cockpit if it is not too cold.  In the 60's here at night brrrr.  

Plan is to move the boat over to Joyce and Rodger's house on Tuesday.  They are friends of ours who we met on Lake Erie through Mark and Deb.  We will leave the boat at their house for a couple of months while we go back to Cincinnati.

Hope to see everyone soon.

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