Thursday, May 13, 2021

Belhaven, Alligator, Coinjock (05/09/ 05/10, 05/11/2021

Monday 05/10/2021 

Day Miles:      54

Total Miles:    4840

Travel Days:   90

Total Days     194

Tuesday 05/11/2021

Day Miles:      36

Total Miles:    4876

Travel Days:   91

Total Days     195

So just a few days behind, but it has been busy and stressful.  We did make it to Norfolk on Thursday, but let me fill you in on what has been going on in between.  We stayed Sunday in Belhaven, but we did not get off the boat.  The wind was blowing pretty hard from the South, so we were taking the waves on our stern.  Boat rocked and rolled all day in 25+mph winds.  Marcia did laundry and tracking and I buffed and waxed on the back of the boat.  The winds never did ease up all day or night.  Glad we were not traveling in it.  We debated about staying on Monday as well but the winds were predicted to be high all week, so no real benefit in waiting.  Plus with the South wind we would be rocked all day again.  We left Monday morning early, headed 54 miles to Alligator river.  A lot of open water and I ended up running most of it on plane.  We arrived at Alligator early afternoon and were happy to see it well protected.  Not much there except a gas station with a small grill and convenience/ship store.  FYI, if you end up buying the Ghost Pepper Chips, they are very hot!  

With high winds predicted again for Tuesday, we left out early for our 36 mile run to Coinjock.  Again we arrived around lunch time and were placed on the South dock.  Lot of open dock space so I was confused why we were not on the main dock.  While buffing and waxing on the back of the boat I watched dozens of 65+ foot boats rolling in all afternoon.  There were so many that they were actually rafting off two 70 foot boats off the dock.  Guess I know now why we were not on the main dock.  

Crossing the Sound
Hey Mark Evans - SIIM RAAAD

Coinjock Marina

We had heard from several other boats and Loopers about the prime rib at Coinjock.  Marcia called and had to pre-order and reserve my 32oz prime rib.  Dinner was fantastic and YES I did eat it all.  I did however give Marcia a taste.

Boat hanging off the back of the dock
Two 70 footers rafted off.
32oz Prime rib
Marcia's crab bisque
The stop at Coinjock was a compete surprise, in a good way.  Dockhand had said that it is that busy all day, everyday in the spring and fall from people moving boats North and South.  The wind really kicked up over night and was predicted high for the next day as well.  We decided to leave, with everyone else, and make the trip to Norfolk on Wednesday.  

Spoiler alert, Wednesday was one of the worst travel days we have had on this leg.  That will be the next post though.  We are safely moored in Norfolk right now.

Something outside definitely caught Lucy's attention.

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