Sunday, May 9, 2021

Morehead City & Belhaven - (05/07 & 05/09/21)

Friday   05/07/21 

Day Miles:      65

Total Miles:    4718

Travel Days:   88

Total Days     191

Saturday & Sunday   05/08/21 & 05/09/21 

Day Miles:      68

Total Miles:    4786

Travel Days:   89

Total Days     193

Nothing too exciting over the last couple of days.  The landscape is changing as we head North in North Carolina.  Starting to see more open water, crossing larger sounds and bays.  We traveled 60+ miles both on Friday and Saturday.  Was chilly, overcast and windy when we left and even had a good bit of rain later in the afternoon.  I guess everyday can't be sunshine and rainbows. 

We did pass Camp Lejeune and thought of our nephew Gus who was stationed there for 4 years.  We stayed at Morehead City Yacht Basin.  This is obviously home to many very nice sport fishing boats.

Sailboat with a sailboat dinghy.

Morehead City

We did make use of the courtesy car and provisioned at Harris Teeters.  It had been 2 weeks since our last shopping trip so we stocked up.  Walked over to Floyd's 1921 for dinner and it was very good.  We were even talked into a piece of peanut butter pie for dessert.  I could not get a picture quick enough before someone (Marcia) got her fork into it.

Early morning start on Saturday for our 68 mile trek to Belhaven.  Lot of open water with high winds.  Luckily the wind was mostly behind us so we had a following sea.  Boat seems to running OK, but will check it again today.  Once secured at the dock, we took showers and then used the free golf cart to go into town.  Not much in town but a few shops and restaurant.  We had been unsuccessful in making a reservation at Spoon River, however, the dockmaster put in a good word for us. So we were happy when  could get in as we had heard good things about this place.

River Forest Marina

Spoon River Restaurant

Sunday is a non-travel day.  List of chores to get done before heading out on Monday.

Lucy is still doing OK.


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