Thursday, May 6, 2021

Myrtle Beach - Southport - Hampstead - (05/03 - 05/06/2021)

Monday   5/03/21 - Tuesday 5/04/2021

Day Miles:      62

Total Miles:    4574

Travel Days:   85

Total Days     188

Wednesday   5/05/21 

Day Miles:      40

Total Miles:    4614

Travel Days:   86

Total Days     189

Thursday   5/06/21 

Day Miles:      40

Total Miles:    4653

Travel Days:   87

Total Days     190

We left out of Georgetown Monday morning with high hopes of troubles fixed.  After the engines warmed up I got the boat on plane and checked the engine room.  No leaks detected.  I was able to run some of the 60 miles, but most if it was slow going, as we headed into Myrtle Beach with houses lining the shoreline.  We arrived the North Myrtle Beach Yacht Club just after lunch and Jack from Jackpot was there to catch our lines.  After fueling I went to check the engine room.  All looked good.  Will continue to check and monitor, but hoping issue is now resolved.  After some cleaning and chores, we met the crew of Jackpot and Happiness Is and walked to Clarks for dinner.  Dinner was good and then we ended up on Jackpot for nightcaps.  Bourbon and cigar for me.  

Bella Vita took our picture as we went past.
We did the same for them.
Most of the scenery in the morning

Eagle on the shore
Swing bridge

Some nice homes 

Barefoot landing

The "rock pile" - 5 miles of narrow channel with rock ledges
Guess he did not make it

Myrtle Beach Yacht Club

Tuesday morning the guys decided to walk to Waffle House for breakfast.  Been a while since I have been there, it was still good.  Back at the boat we went to the pool for a few hours in the afternoon.  Jackpot and Happiness Is also joined.  We made plans to uber to Captain Juel's for dinner with Bella Vita also joining.

Jackpot and us
Tree - just outside the restaurant - I thought it was cool
We just made it back to the boats before the rain moved in.  
Jack, TJ, and Brandee from Bella Vita came over in the morning to see us off.  She took a nice video of us leaving which I will post here or on Facebook once I figure it out, or Marcia does.

Slow run to Southport on Wednesday, but it was only 40 miles so not a big deal.  Not much at the marina here.  The main Southport Marina was wiped out in the hurricane last year and is not expected to open until June.  To far to walk into town.  We are now in North Carolina.  

Deep Point Marina
Sunken shrimp boat
Pretty much the entire trip today looked like this.

We did get close enough to see the ocean
Windy when we came off the AICW 

 We left Thursday morning for our 40 mile run to Hampstead.  It was cool and overcast when we left.  Again most of the day was looking at houses with boat docks extending out into the ICW.  We arrived at Harbour Village Marina at lunch time.  Not much here, so we will use the time to clean and get some chores down.  Longer day tomorrow as we try to go to Morehead. 

I kept thing of George Jefferson talking to Weezy - "Were moving on up - the East side ...."

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