Saturday, May 15, 2021

Norfolk VA - (05/12 - 05/15/21)

 Wednesday 05/12/2021

Day Miles:     48 

Total Miles:    4924

Travel Days:   92

Total Days     199

When we left Coinjock, we knew that it was going to be a windy day.  We had about 20 miles of open water to cross before we had some protection in the cut.  We decided to wait until about 8:00 hoping the wind was going to die down.  Almost all of the boats that were at the dock last night had already left out.  There was quite a line of boats headed North Wednesday morning.  When we got onto the Sound, the wind was blowing about 18mph with gust over 25 right on our bow.  Moving at 10 mph, it did not take long for the wind to blow the snaps off the front isenglass.  It was relatively cool at mid 50's and we were taking spray up onto the fly bridge.  Marcia went down inside and bundled up.  Once across I was able to get the isenglass put back on.  Good thing because now it started raining.  We had to wait for a couple of bridges to open today as well as a lock that only opened on the hour.  Little bit of a wait but not too bad as the wind did die down.

Waiting for the 1st bridge to open.
Coming into Norfolk

 Pretty much a gray, windy, wet, nasty day to travel.  The worst travel day we have had on this leg of the trip.  Good news is that the marina is very nice and protected.  Once tied up we walked to the Waterside galleria and had a few beers, a burger and some chicken wings.  Back at the boat I decided to have a cigar and a few bourbons to decompress.  A lot of boats that were at Coinjock are also here.  We made plans to have Docktails behind our boat on Thursday as there are several Looper boats here.  

On Thursday morning, after making a big breakfast, we walked up to tour the Navel Museum and the battleship Wisconsin.  Both were a lot of fun.

Navel Museum
Battleship Wisconsin

Crew bunks were stuck wherever they could fit,

Found the brig.
Picture of the bow at sunset.

After the tour we decided to have drinks and an appetizer at the Rooftop beer garden at the Hilton.  
Local beer flight and sangria

 Once back at the boat we did some cleaning and then got ready for docktails.  Good group with "Pain Killer", "Journey", and "TIL".  After that broke up we had dinner on the boat.  Chicken Cacciatore in the crockpot turned out very good.  

Our boat sitting at the marina, the one on the right.
View from our fly bridge

On Friday morning I finished buffing and waxing the stern.  Looks good now with all the diesel soot off of the back.  We took a walk to the Mall, mainly to get Marcia a watch battery and a screw for my sunglasses.  Good thing we did not need much else as most of the Mall is closed up.  Back at the boat I did some chart plotting and Marcia did some laundry.  We had a quick docktails with another Looper boat but headed out for dinner at the Freemason Abbey, with Dave and Pam from "Pain Killer".  Turns out the restaurant is in an old Church.  Dinner was good at I can now check Ostrich off of my things to eat.  It was more like beef than chicken.

Church across the street from the restaurant

Inside the restaurant, old church
Ostrich, in the bowl was oysters with candy bacon and bbq sauce - very good!

They are the most strict on social distancing and mask wearing since we left.

The town has painted mermaids randomly placed.  Similar to what Cincinnati did with the flying pigs.

Sunset picture

We did find out that there is a Cajun Festival going on at the park right next to the boat.  Plan is to walk over there on Saturday for lunch and check it out.  By the way, that is like an hour from now, so I am going to get a shower and ready for some Jambalaya!

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