Monday, June 7, 2021

Brielle NJ / Staten Island 06/02 - 06/06/2021

Wednesday 06/02/2021

Day Miles: 61

Total Miles: 5411

Travel Days: 102

Total Days: 217

Thursday - Sunday  06/03 - 06/06/2021

Day Miles: 38

Total Miles:  5449

Travel Days:  103

Total Days:  221

So I know that I am WAY behind on blogging.  Part of it is that we have been having fun, but the bigger part is that while we were at Great Kills on Staten Island we had no internet and no cell service.  Could not have posted if I wanted to.

So, catching you up.  Louis and I ended up walking over to the Golden Nugget casino on Tuesday night to donate $20.  We found out that drinks were free if we played video poker at the bar.  I dropped $10 in and hit four of a kind (3's).  Up $50.  Short story is I lost it all but had 5 free beers.  I count that as a win.


Brielle, NJ did not have a lot to offer.  Huge current getting into the dock.  Fuel dock shack was blocking the back 1/3 of the boat, so had to climb over the rail and drop down to the dock.  Had happy hour and dinner with Louis and Jody at the Pig and Parrot.  Great burger.  Not much to see on the cruise on the Atlantic as it was grey and overcast.

On Thursday we moved from Brielle to the Great Kills Yacht Club on Staten Island.  After cleaning the boat we walled up for Happy Hour at the YC bar.  Bud Lights for $2.25!  A few other looper boats were there as well.  We purchased a Metro card for the Express bus and planned to go to the 911 Memorial and Museum on Friday with Kim and Dave from Sweet Haven.  

We got on the Express Bus to Manhattan that took us right to the World Trade Center
Verrazano Bridge. 

The memorial and the Museum was just incredible.  Words and pictures do not due it justice.


I actually saw the episode of American Chopper when they built this bike.
The last piece of the tower that was removed.

We took the bus back to Staten Island and relaxed on the boat after an exhausting day.  

We walked to Frank & Sals Italian Market and purchased some homemade ziti and meatballs.  Back at the boat we dropped the dinghy in and tooled around the harbor.  Weather turned sunny and hot, a nice change from the grey and rain.

On Sunday Marcia's sorority sister Gale and her husband Jay stopped by to visit. We had cocktails on the boat and then walked to the Tiki bar for lunch.  After they left we went to an Italian restaurant for dinner.  We really thought that we walked into an episode of Sopranos.  Food was excellent.  I know I post a lot of food pictures, but this was whole lobster, clams, calamari, muscles and shrimp over linguini with a fra diavalo sauce  

Still a lot to catch you up on as we are now in NYC.  Great pictures of us in front of the Statue of Liberty and the city still to come.  Internet is still pretty slow here so you will have to wait until the next post.

It is just unbelievable the emotions of cruising through NYC!

Lucy continues to find new spots on the boat to relax.


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