Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Utica & Brewerton, NY 06/26 & 06/27 - 6/28/2021

Saturday  06/26/2021

Day Miles: 21

Total Miles:  5727

Travel Days:  111

Total Days:  241

Sunday  06/27/2021

Day Miles: 49

Total Miles:  5776

Travel Days:  112

Total Days:  243


So we decided to split the next couple of travels up and stay at a restaurant wall that was going to be after Lock 19.  We were the 1st boat to arrive, and managed to get a spot on the wall that had a power hookup.  It was a little bit of a climb to get on and off the boat but not too bad.  We left the low floating dock for some of the smaller boats that we knew were coming in.  We tried to make reservations for dinner but they were very busy and could not get us in before 7:15.  Nothing on the menu was screaming at us so we decided to just have dinner on the boat.  More of the same scenery today on the canal.

Interesting way to make a fishing boat, just cut the top off.
Another lock, they are all beginning to look the same.
Restaurant dock wall. 
We are the furthest boat down the wall.

On Sunday we made our way to Brewerton, NY.  We did reach the highest point on the Erie Canal and 424 feet above sea level.  We also started going down on the locks now instead of up.  Took a few random pictures of the canal and the locks.

Really made wrong turn if I am in Rome - Sorry, had to say it.

Entering Sylvan Beach. 

As we entered Sylvan Beach the boat traffic was quite high due to it being a nice Sunday afternoon.  Was strange to see so many boats have traveling so far and not seeing any.  We also had to run the 20 miles across Lake Oneida.  
As we pulled into EssKay Marina to get fuel and pump out, fellow Looper Tom from "God Speed" met me on the dock with a cold Bud Light.  We got into our slip and will spend the next 2 nights here.  There are about 7 other Looper boats here, some who we have met and other's we have not.  We did have a birthday cake and docktails that evening for Ceci on "God Speed".  It was very Humid on Monday so outside work was not really an option.  We did share the courtesy car with another boat and made a quick trip to Wegman's for some provisioning.  Back at the boat we used the car again to go the Wild Horse for dinner.  Turned out to be 8 of us eating.  

It was a nice stop and break from all the the locks.

Tomorrow we will turn off the Erie Canal and take the Oswego Canal into Oswego, NY and then onto Lake Ontario. 

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