Sunday, June 20, 2021

Shady Harbor - New Baltimore, NY 06/11 - 06/22/2021

Friday - Tuesday  06/11 - 06/22/2021

Day Miles: 41

Total Miles:  5604

Travel Days:  107

Total Days:  237

We left Kingston early Friday morning.  Shady Harbor had a few events scheduled for the Loopers over the weekend, including a pig roast.  Since our plan was to leave the boat for a week after the pig roast, it was suggested that we get there early to secure our spot as they were expecting about 25 looper boats.  We arrived before lunch on Friday and secured the boat on an inside slip for the next 10 days.  After lunch and cleaning up the boat we walked the grounds to check things out.  Docktails were planned for 5:30 that night.  Denise and Mark from "Island Office" reached out that they had made dinner reservations for us and "Wanderer" that night at the on site restaurant.  Docktails were fun, catching up with previous boats and meeting new ones.  Turns out it was prime rib night at the restaurant, but only 24oz this time.


After dinner we hung out for awhile having nightcaps and catching up.
On Saturday morning, the day started with a flag raising ceremony, followed by a blessing of the fleet.  Turns out they had a Bishop come in to do the blessing.
Flag raising

Bishop blessing "Boyle-n-Water"

After the blessing of all the boats, the local marina Yacht Club sponsored a lunch.  Burger, hot dogs, sides and steamers, which are clams.

After lunch there was Rum tasting.  Although we did not win the Kenny Chesney signed guitar, we were gifted 2 bottles of rum.
Some big ships still come up the Hudson River.  You can see the yachts on this one.

Jackpot invited us over to their boat for dinner, consisting of Red Beans and Rice.  After dinner we walked up for the bonfire.  In addition to the bonfire they were showing the movie "Captain Ron" on a projection TV.

On Sunday we borrowed the courtesy car with Wanderer to drive to the Albany airport to pick up our rental car.  Our plan was to drive home on Monday and return the following Monday.  We made a quick stop at the grocery to pick up a side for the Pig Roast.  The pig roast was a lot of fun with all the Looper boats participating.

Brian and Kathy Donavan, owners of Shady Harbor Marina
What was left of the pig.

We visited with Jackpot and New Hope in the afternoon and then packed up the car for the ride home in the morning.
We left out Monday morning for the 10 1/2 hour drive home.  The cat did not seem to mind the car ride much this time.

Back home it was a busy week of laundry, yard work, errands, dentist, haircut, etc....  We did meet up with the Marina gang on Wednesday at Silver Spring House for dinner.

Tony cooked us a fresh Walleye dinner at his house on Friday, and we visited other friends at the Marina on Saturday.  We had dinner with Dave and Nell on Saturday at Pelican Reef.  Thanks again for dinner :).
Finishing up chores and packing today, Sunday.  We plan to drive back to Shady Harbor on Monday.  We are 25 miles south of Albany and the beginning of the Erie Canal.  Should be some good pictures coming your way next week.


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