Friday, June 25, 2021

Mohawk Marina - Schenectady NY 06/23/21

Wednesday  06/23/2021

Day Miles: 45

Total Miles:  5649

Travel Days:  108

Total Days:  238

So today is Friday, so you guys are a few days behind. We are in Little Falls, NY but I will get to that later.  We drove back to the boat on Monday and it took us 10 hours.  We unloaded the car and threw everything into the boat.  After a short break we drove to the Shop and Save for some frozen and refrigerated supplies.   On Tuesday we returned the rental car and waited for the rain to stop so we could move the boat, pump out, fuel up and be ready to leave on Wednesday.  That all happened around 3:00.  On Wednesday morning we headed out for the 20 mile run up the Hudson for the Erie Canal.  We passed through the Troy lock on the Hudson, no more tides, YEAH!.  

Leaving Shady Harbor

Erie Canal to the Port - Left

When we reach Waterford which is the beginning of the Erie Canal, we had Lock 2-6 which are stepped locks.  Basically 6 Locks in 1/2 mile.  We found out that Lock 3 was having issues so we had to tie up in Waterford.  After a 2 hour delay the lock reopened and we were on our way.

Painted horses in Waterford
1st lock had pipes that you had to wrap a line around and slide it up as the water went up.  Others just have hanging lines that you need to hold on to as the water rises.

You can see the old canal on the right as we entered the newer lock.

Bridges are low here, 20 and 21 foot so we lowered out satellite TV dome for the canal.

After lock 6 we had a about 10 miles to get through Lock 7.  We stayed at Mohawk Marina which is owned by Brian Donavan who owns Shady Harbor.  Turns out he was there to catch our lines.  Lucy was not very happy about waiting so long for lunch/dinner.  

We were exhausted after 7 locks and a 9 hour day so we just had dinner on the boat.  We did take a walk along the canal path and Marcia met a new friend.  We were reminded when Andrew and Lindsey met Captain Charlie at Turtle Creek.  We did not think that Lucy would like to share her quarters, so we managed to not bring the cat back to the boat.

We did walk into the casino that was there and had a quick beer and quickly lost $5.  

As I said, today is Friday and we are further West on the Canal, but you will have to wait for the other updates.  Cell signal and internet is not very good so I will blame my lack of posting due to that.  We are doing OK and making our way West.  If I have good internet tomorrow I will get you caught up.

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