Monday, July 19, 2021

Dunkirk NY, Erie PA, Geneva OH & Cleveland OH 07/08/2021 - 07/12/2021

Thursday  07/08/2021

Day Miles: 36

Total Miles:  6044

Travel Days:  118

Total Days:  253

Friday & Saturday  07/09 & 07/10/2021

Day Miles: 47

Total Miles:  6091

Travel Days:  119

Total Days:  255

Sunday  07/11/2021

Day Miles: 61

Total Miles:  6152

Travel Days:  120

Total Days:  256

Monday  07/12/2021

Day Miles: 46

Total Miles:  6198

Travel Days:  121

Total Days:  257


Going to try to make up some time on the blog with shorter posts.  We left Buffalo early Thursday morning, mainly to get off the fuel dock and to get moving.  We arrived in Dunkirk just as the rain was begin to fall pretty hard.  We waited until it slowed and then got tied up on the dock wall.  I washed the back of the boat in between the rain while Marcia worked on putting the inside of the boat back together.  The rain did hold off long enough for us to take a walk through the 1 block downtown.  We were both exhausted so just ate dinner on the boat and turned in early.

We left Dunkirk early and headed to Erie Pennsylvania.  Finally out of NY!  We arrived around lunchtime and friends Rick and Rhonda were there to catch our lines.  We made plans to have happy hour and dinner later.  We cleaned on the boat some more and after getting cleaned up we had happy hour on R&R.  We walked over to the new roof top bar for dinner, but the wait was over an hour and a half so we decided to go Smugglers Wharf.  Dinner was good and it was fun catching up with both of them again.
Entrance to the Erie Basin

Dinner with R&R
We decided to take a break and walk up into town Saturday afternoon.  Erie was nice but not much going on.  We went back to the rooftop bar to have an afternoon drink.  Place was still crowded but we managed to have a drink and take in the view.

By the time we got back to the marina, several other looper boats had arrived, a few who we had met before.  Dinner on the boat and then a short docktails.  
We departed Sunday morning and moved to Geneva on the Lake.  Again rain!  Everyday rain, 6 days straight now.  We arrived at Geneva and docked in the rain.  The rain finally stopped around dinner time and we caught a taxi to go into town for dinner.  We ate a great little Italian place called Piero's Pasta House.  Dinner was very good and prepared right behind the counter.  I had the special which was a shrimp and muscles, and Marcia said she had the best Lobster Ravioli ever.

After dinner we walked through town and then took the walking path along the lake that took us back to the boat.  The rain did hold off so we did not get wet on the walk back to the boat.

Early start Monday as the weather was predicted to be bad again with higher winds and rain.  We made it into Cleveland and docked, yep you guessed it, in the rain.  After settling in, there was a short break in the rain so we decided to use our folding wagon and walk about 1 mile to the grocery store.  Not a very big store but it had some of the essentials, like beer, water and chips.  By the time we left the store we got caught in a short drizzle of rain.  The walk back felt longer, maybe because the cart was full, the humidity was up or I was tired.  Maybe all of the above.  We did say hi to a couple of other looper boats but I was good and stuck to my AFD.  (Alcohol Free Day).  Will catch you up on Kelly's Island and Put In Bay next post.

Cleveland Skyline.  We did have to call Jim Sutliff to let him know.

Past this place on the way to the store and thought of Liz Bedway :)

For those that did not notice from the stats about, we have now crossed the 6,000 mile mark on our Great Loop Adventure.  


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