Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Kelly's Island, OH & Put In Bay, OH 07/13/2021 - 07/18/2021

Tuesday - Thursday  07/13 - 07/15/2021

Day Miles: 54

Total Miles:  6252

Travel Days:  122

Total Days:  260

Friday - Sunday 07/16 - 07/18/2021

Day Miles: 9

Total Miles:  6261

Travel Days:  123 

Total Days:  263


We had an extra day built into our schedule in case of bad weather.  We decided to use it and go to Kelly's Island on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.  We left out of Cleveland early as the wind and waves were predicted to be bad, getting worse as the day went on.  We figured if it was too bad to get to Kelly's we could cut the trip short and go into Vermillion if needed.  Waves were not bad so on to Kelly's.  I did stop about 10 miles before Kelly's and tried a few casts for Walleye.  Waves were building into the 2-4 foot range so did not try it long before it was too rough.  By the time we got into Kelly's it was blowing pretty strong.  We got in and tied up at our slip.  Around dinner time the rains came.  Blowing 50mph winds that actually blew the snaps off the canvas.  It did subside but not until it soaked both of us.  By early evening the rain had stopped and we walked into town to have Brandy Alexanders at the Village Pump.  They were as good as remembered.

Boat tied up after the rain storm


We did some chores in the morning and then rented a golf cart for the day.  Since we were at the marina we got it for 24 hours.  On a sad note, our ice maker would not make ice.  I spent some time on the phone with their tech support and after 3 calls determined that it was a bad motor on the board.  They are going to ship me a new one, at 50% off.  Remember the unit is just over a year old.  We have become dependent on it as we have not had to buy ice at all during the trip.  Also, the door switch on the dryer shorted out and I cannot figure out how to repair it.  Anyway, we picked the cart up around noon and went to the Casino for a Bloody Mary and Mimosa.  

After drinks we walked the small town and then rode out to see the Glacier Grooves.  We saw the grooves and also an old stone processing plant.

After the Grooves we went to the West Bar for drinks and a late lunch.  The chicken kabob was good, the beer was cold and the view was great.

Back in town, we saw another Looper that we had met before and arranged to have dinner with them.  We had a nice Perch dinner at Captains Quarters.  Since they had not seen the Grooves or been to the Island before, we drove them to see the Grooves and then a nightcap at the West Bar.  We were treated to a nice sunset.  Oh it did drizzle rain also.

Since we had the cart for a few more hours this morning we went back to Captains Quarters for breakfast.  The hangover skillet did not disappoint.  We went back to the boat, turned in the cart and cleaned the boat for Don and Tony who were coming to PIB (Put In Bay) on Friday.  Yes it rained again.  Lucy was enjoying the non-travel day.  We put out a basket and she immediately thought it was for her.

Short ride on Friday over to PIB.  We tried to get into the marina at PIB but they were booked for the weekend.  We could have stayed at the public dock but did not really want people rafting off and it can get kind of crazy.  Instead we stayed on Middle Bass Island that has a water taxi that takes you to the bay for $7.  We docked at Middle Bass late morning and endured our 11th straight day of rain.  Don and Tony arrived around 2:00 and the rain had stopped.  We had a few beers and cigar and then caught the taxi over to PIB.  We visited the usual spots, Beer Barrel, Round House, and had pizza at Frosty's.  After dinner we went to the Keys for drinks and a shot.

The Keys Bar
Round House Bar

We caught the water taxi back to MB and had a cigar and bourbon on the bridge.  It was nice that the rain held off.

We cooked up bacon, eggs and hash browns for breakfast on the boat.  After cleaning up we walked down to the General Store on MB to check it out.  We caught the 1:30 taxi back to PIB.  We had a few drinks at the Beer Barrel.  It was Jeep Invasion weekend, so we watched the Jeep parade.  Had to be over 100 jeeps, some of them had a lot of money put into them.  Don't know how we did not get pictures.  After the parade we rented a golf cart to go to Joe's Bar.  We had a cigar there, with a few beers, and Marcia had $7 hot dog and Tony had a $12 brat.  Don't think it was worth it.  We returned the cart and then went to the Boardwalk for, you guessed it a beer.  They also had Lobster Bisque so we had to try that also.  
Leaving on the water taxi
Back at MB we walked to the General Store for dinner.  Dinner was good, service was not.  We also ran into so people that I know from Catawba Moorings from when Mark Kalb docked his boat there.  We did hitch a ride on a golf cart both ways which saved us the walk.  Back at the boat we had another cigar and turned in after a long day.

We said goodbye to Don and Tony at 10:15 as they caught the ferry to go back home.  We had a short break  before we caught the 12:30 taxi back to the bay.  Mark and Debbie Kalb were visiting and we planned to meet them there.  They had a golf cart and we went to The Goat for a bloody Mary and lunch.  We drove around a bit and then went to Joe's for a cigar.  Back on the strip we had a few drinks at the Fish Bowl and people watched.  We caught the 6:00 taxi back to MB, exhausted after a busy weekend.  It was really great seeing Don, Tony, Mark and Debbie again.  We turned in early to prepare for a a longer, 85 mile run to MacRay Harbor on Lake St. Clair in the morning.  
Really almost caught up on the blog now.

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