Saturday, July 10, 2021

Rochester & Wilson NY 07/01 - 07/05/2021

Thursday  07/01/2021

Day Miles: 35

Total Miles:  5874

Travel Days:  115

Total Days:  245

Monday  07/05/2021

Day Miles: 67

Total Miles:  5941

Travel Days:  116

Total Days:  250

So spoiler alert!  We are currently in Erie, PA., and today is Saturday 07/10/21.  I am a little behind on the blog, so I will fill you in on our stay in Rochester and then our move to Wilson, NY.  We had a nice cruise to Rochester and arrived around lunch time on Thursday.  We had planned to stay in Rochester through the 4th of July and take some downtime after the Erie and Oswego Canals.  Some pictures from the cruise and the marina.

Rochester - Pelican Nest

Boat at Port of Rochester Marina

After our daily shut down, clean up, and shower, we walked over to Pelican's Nest for drinks and dinner.  Dinner was just OK but the water view was nice.

On Friday it was an overcast and rainy day, but we made plans to Uber to the George Eastman house for a tour.  The house we really neat to tour.

After the tour we went back to the boat and did some route planning for Lake Erie and Lake Huron.  We had made dinner reservations at Mr. Dominick's at the Lake for dinner.  It was a nice Italian restaurant and the food, service and wine was good.

After dinner we took a needed walked around the park.

On Saturday, friends that we met on the Erie Canal on the boat "Hallelujah"  came in and we decided to have docktails on their boat later in the day.  Since they had free laundry at the marina I went up and did a load of "Garage" towels while Marcia caught up on other boat chores, tracking and bills. After chores we walked up to tour the Lighthouse that was close by.
View from the top of the Lighthouse.  You can see the boat from here.
Spiral staircase
Ladder to the very top.  Marcia decided not climb it.

Docktails were good and we ended up just eating on the boat since some of the restaurants that we wanted to go to were closed.
On Sunday we took our chairs and cooler and went to the beach with Ann and Steve from "Hallelujah".  It was a nice relaxing day at the beach.  It was good to see a lot of people and families out again after the dreaded plague. 

Instead of happy hour we had ice cream with Ann and Steve after dinner.  Rochester was a nice stop but we are ready to move on to Wilson on Monday where we will arrange to meet with the captain that will take our boat through the Welland Canal.  Canada still has not opened the border, so we cannot do the Trent Severn or Georgian Bay.  
Monday the cruise to Wilson was uneventful, which is good.  

Entering Bootlegger's Marina in Wilson
We arrived at the marina and fueled up and then tied up in our slip.  We ate dinner at the on-site restaurant which was not note worthy.  Not all meals that we eat out are great.  There were some other Looper boats in the area that we met earlier on the trip, so we walked over to say hi to "Conflict of Interest".  After visiting with them we saw that  "Hallelujah" was there also.  Turns out that they were at our marina having dinner, so we walked back and had docktails on our boat.
Big day on Tuesday with the Captain saga, but that will be in the next post.  Lets just say that it was a very stressful time.  I will try to get the blog caught up over the next few days.  

We are doing OK and looking forward to Lake Erie.


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