Thursday, July 1, 2021

Oswego & Sodus Point, NY - 06/29 & 06/30/2021

Tuesday  06/29/2021

Day Miles: 32

Total Miles:  5808

Travel Days:  113

Total Days:  244

Wednesday  06/30/2021

Day Miles: 31

Total Miles:  5839

Travel Days:  114

Total Days:  245

We left on Monday morning and did our last lock on the Erie Canal.  The Erie Canal does go all the way to Buffalo, NY, but due to some fixed bridges that are only 15 feet high we are unable to do this route.  We can get our boat height down to 19 feet but not more that that.  Instead, we turned right onto the Oswego Canal after lock 23.  The Oswego canal was much more scenic with many nice homes along the banks.  We arrived at the 1st lock only to find that they were working on the Lock and it would be about a 2 hour delay.  Not what we were wanting to hear, but not much we could do about it either.  We tied off on the wall and began to wait.  I did take a few pictures as there was not much else to do.

Last Lock 23 on the Erie Canal
Oswego Lock 

The Lock did reopen around 11:30 and we were on our way.  The rest of the locks went very smooth.  Several of them were step locks where you go out of one and pretty much right into the next one.

Canal between Lock 6 and 7

Oswego with Lake Ontario in the background
We stayed on the wall at Oswego Marina.  We did not walk up into town, mainly because it was HOT and we were tired.  Also did not look like there was much to see.

On Wednesday we left Oswego and onto Lake Ontario.  It was a nice day to cruise the Lake.  We decided to only go about 30 miles to Sodus Point, about halfway to Rochester.  We have a few days to kill before we need to meet the Captain in Wilson on the 6th.  It was an OK stop but it was raining off and on most of the day.  In fact we sat out in the bay waiting for a rain shower to stop before we went in and docked.  Nothing too exciting.  We did stay at Katlynn Marina.  Spelled differently but thought of Maggie's sister Kate.

We did make it to Rochester today, Thursday.  We are planning to stay here through the 4th of July weekend.  Good news is that I am pretty much caught up on the blog!


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