Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/12/19 Louisville

Stats – Today- 73 miles, 6 hours – Total 138 miles.

So another hot day today, but we prefer it that way instead of cold.  Left out of Turtle Creek around 9:00 and drove right into Markland Lock.  Almost like we called and had it planned that way.  I will not bore everyone with Lock stories this time.  If you want to read about those, then re-read Pittsburgh.  I did have a little bit of flashback when the lock master said there was some debris in front of the lock.  Was pleased to see that it was nothing compared to what we dealt with coming from Pittsburgh.  I almost said "that's not debris..." (Crocodile Dundee - "that's not a knife)  Not going to be able to call out every movie reference.  I know Matt and Mark got it.

Passing Belterra Casino

I did think of our annual Labor trip to Turtle Creek when we went past the beach just below the lock.  Missing all of you.

Nice cruising today with fairly clean water.  Not much to see, but included some pictures from our view today.  We stopped and got fuel and made it to River Park Marina.  Cleaned the boat some, showered and ubered into downtown Louisville.  Found a couple places to have a cocktail and had a good dinner.  Marcia had a Kentucky Mule and we both had the Kentucky Hot Brown,  When in Kentucky....
Yes - that is bacon :)

A few pictures from the cruise today.

 Passing the Kentucky River

 Madison Indiana

I did think of my brother Don, RJ and Steve Fine when I saw this.

Louisville skyline

Saw a Light in Louisville, but not sure how we would get the boat there.

Marcia made a new friend at one of the Louisville bars.  Think I can get my hair to look like this if I  don't cut it for the next 15 years.

The cat seems to be more comfortable each day.  Appears she likes to sit in the bar sink when we are cruising.  

Longer day tomorrow, but should make it to Rocky Point Marina. 

Thanks for all the comments, texts, calls and emails.  It is good to hear from everyone.


  1. Pat check out Waterway Guides article on Jamie Whitten lock temp closure due to oil spill, should pose you no issue based on your timing and route, but worth noting......

    1. Thanks Don, we did hear about that. It should hopefully be cleaned up by the time we get there.
