Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pebble Island Marina 9/24/19 & Clifton 9/25/19

Stats: Total days - 14, Travel days - 8, Miles today - 30, Total miles - 557

I did yesterday's entry in the afternoon, so will fill you in on the rest of the day.  The restaurant was not open on Monday's so we planned to cook up fish on the boat.  It was HOT yesterday, so spent most of the afternoon in the boat and then cooked up dinner.  Lucy was going nuts trying to get at the fish.  She even went after mine, and I had blacken season on.  Memories of Port eating Marcia's fish at the Islands flashed through my head.  At least this time it would have been her precious.  It was a state park here, so we decided to take a short walk around.  Just up from the Marina was the Park Office, and they had 3 big cages in the back.  Two had Owls, and the other had a hawk.  We did find a trail and hiked a short bit.  Got back to the boat just at dark.  Pretty quiet night, so I had my dry out day.

Leaving Paris Landing

Made the 30 mile run down to Pebble Island Marina.  Just putted along at 10mph except for about 4 miles that I kicked it up just to not let the Volvo's get lazy.  Tried to take a few pictures along the way as people are saying they like them.  Not much to see other than a lot of trees and islands.  Weather was definitely nicer today as temps started out in the 70's.  Marina is nice, but quiet here also.  It is also a state park and they had a courtesy car that they said we could use.  We drove around the park and then did some hiking on the trails.  Interesting history and nice area to low impact hike.  After we decide to go try our luck at Walmart again as there was one 6 miles away.  We are back at the boat now, defrosting a pork tenderloin for dinner.  I decide to sit up on the bridge with a cigar and type this up.  Really nice view and temperature is pleasant.   Took some pictures on the cell phone, but not sure if I can get them to send as there is almost no signal here.  We did call and wish Tony a Happy Birthday.  We celebrated with him before we left, but sent him a Tee shirt from Green Turtle Bay.

Leaving Paris Landing

 Bridge to nowhere

 Nice waterfront property
 Duck blind
 Cluck Norris didn't believe me that there was not a hawk in the nest.  He would only stick his head up to take a quick look
 Entering Pebble Island

Pictures from our hike around the Park

Stats: Total days - 15, Travel days - 9, Miles today - 62, Total miles - 619

Little bit longer day tomorrow at 62 miles, so may have to run a couple of hours on plane.  Not sure I am ready for a 6 hour slow day.

Other pictures from my phone would not send, so will probably wait until tomorrow to post when I can get the other pictures.

It is tomorrow.  Signal is better here, so will try to post the rest of the pictures from yesterday.  Since I am already in the blog, will update you on today as well.  Weather was actually cool this morning at 59 degrees.  I had a long sleeve shirt on, and that lasted for about 4 minutes.  Sun was already out at 8:30 when we left Pebble so it did not stay cool for long.  Made the 62 mile run to Clifton Marina.  Ran about 45 minutes on plane over 2 sections.  Was hot and needed the breezes, and I am still adjusting to 10 mph.  Have to ease into these things.  We are tied up at Clifton Marina.  A nice place and the ladies that run it are very friendly and helpful.  They have a small restaurant and outside bar, so after 2 days I am ready for a beer.  We met another Looper last night, and they are here with us tonight, so we made plans to meet for dinner.  Got in just before a small rain shower, so this is the 1st rain that we have had on the trip.  Just put the cockpit cover on instead of the isenglass.  Took some pictures from today, but feels like I keep taking the same pictures.  Nice cliffs, nice tress, nice house, nice island, nice water, etc... you get the idea.  

Our view today leaving the marina.

 Yep - that is the bar right there.
Kind of cool they had our boat names on the board and were waiting to catch lines.

Plan is to anchor out tomorrow night, so not sure what kind of service we will have.  

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