Saturday, September 28, 2019

Florence Harbour Marina 9/27/19 - 09/28/19

Stats: Total days - 18, Travel days - 11, Miles today - 61, Total miles - 717

Alright, Alright Alright.  Let me see if I can remember enough to get you caught up.  We had a very peaceful night on anchor.  It was pitch black, dead quiet, and the boat did not get rocked once.  We woke up to a very dewy morning and heading out.  We went through Pickwick Lock and into Pickwick Lake, but still on the Tennessee River.  We stopped at Pickwick State Park and took on about 160 gallons of fuel.  I am getting better mileage if I can stay off the gas.  I would like to come back here some day and stay as the park looked awesome.  The lake is really wide here and it was not long before I decide to kick it up a notch.  I know, ignore my earlier comment about staying off the gas.  We did pass the Tombigbee which we will come back to when we head south again.  We arrived at Florence Harbour Marina and got checked in.  Marcia defrosted some of the freezer, did some laundry and then we walked up to the River Bottom Restaurant for dinner.  We had to try the alligator tail appetizer.  Yep - taste like chicken.  Watched Penn State kick Maryland's ass, so all was good.

Marica's anchor nightcap.
Approaching Pickwick Lock.  1st lock in like 7 days. 
 Pickwick Lock
 Pickwick Lake
 Passing the Tombigbee Waterway
 Not sure if this is the same algae that is in Cincinnati.  Guessing not.
 Huge houses in the middle of nowhere.  I know - more houses and trees.

 Florence Harbour Marina

On Saturday, we borrowed the courtesy van and drove over to the Muscle Shoals recording studio.  Pretty cool history to see where a lot of the big name people and bands recorded.  Look it up.  Actually the marina lent us the movie to watch and it was good.  We did not take the 45 minute tour.  We then drove over to tour the Indian Mound and Museum.  After that we saw the Frank Lloyd Wright house and then to Walmart.  We took a break and then ubered over to see the Lions at North Alabama University.   We then took the HOT 10 block walk to the Singing River Brewery.  They had a Oktoberfest party going on.  We missed the wiener dog races, but the beer was good.  After a few beers, and a cigar, (me, not Marcia) we walked up to the Wildwood Tavern to get food.  Specialty hot dogs were their thing, so I got a spicy one.  No surprise.  Marcia got the chicken pesto pasta, but the chicken was mostly imaginary.  

It was 70 steps to the top, and yes we did manage to make it to the top.
 I wanted to take her back to the boat.  Marcia said she wants another cat but was afraid she would not play well with Lucy.

Hopefully the video will work.

Back at the boat now.  Marcia is watching Ohio State struggle against Nebraska.  (that comment was for Mark Evans).  I came up on the bridge to put this entry together.  Yes with a cigar and Bourbon.  I do believe I am starting to figure this Bourbon thing out.  

View from the back of the boat.

We are on the move again tomorrow.  Wilson Lock and then Joe Wheeler Lock, but only about 20 miles.  I know Joe Wheeler state park has a swimming pool, so hoping it is still open with the temps predicted into the 90's again.

Interesting statistic.  We are keeping the majority of our drinks in the RTIC cooler.  Water, beer, soda, etc...   The ice maker is holding up well, and we have not bought a bag of ice yet.  Does not seem like a big deal, but I am now determined to see how long I can go before I need to buy a bag of ice.

Oh yeah - I am bummed that I am missing the Hank Williams Jr and Kidd Rock concert tonight.  Especially since Tony (our son) said he had an extra VIP ticket.  Hope those of you that are out there are having a great time.  Miss being there.

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