Thursday, September 26, 2019

Diamond Island Anchorage 9/26/19

Stats: Total days - 16, Travel days - 10, Miles today - 38, Total miles - 657

Pretty cool day today, but let me wrap up last night first.  We ended up having a couple of drinks at the Clifton Marina bar and had dinner with 2 other Looper boats.  The bacon, habanero  cheese burger was good.  Brought out just the right amount of sweat on the brow.

Thought it was pretty cool the marina had our boat names on the board and were expecting us.  One local thought that they were drink specials.  Guess I will have to come up with one, other than Bud Light.

 Marcia quickly thought of Tony and had to get the Choco Taco.
 View from the restaurant

We left out today headed for Diamond Island, about 38 miles up the Tennessee River.  Still on Kentucky lake, but probably not for long.  Just a couple of pictures from the cruise.

Saw this little fishing boat, and so wanted to play Rodney Dangerfield from Caddyshack.  As you can see from my wake - I did refrain.

 When do you start to worry that your house may fall?
 Guess this guy can tell you.
 Think this one is prepared with some rock
 That is the boat house, the big house is behind the trees.

We got anchored up behind Diamond Island, so off the channel.  Kind of narrow here, but there is a 2mph current.  Can't tell by looking at it because there is not a lot mud and crap floating by like in Cincinnati.  

We decide to take a swim and start happy hour.

Cluck Norris is starting to pick up some bad habits, so I am going to have to have a talk with him.  I did not bring enough stock for both of us.

The water looked so good that I figured I would try to cast a crank bait a few times to see what happens.  After about 20 casts, I caught a bass.   I ended up catching 4 in about 45 minutes.  Guess I am going to have to refer to the boat as Fishing Vessel Boyle-n-Water.  Don't know why Dave Brill thinks this bass fishing thing is so hard.  No comments on my sexiness.  

We grilled up a London Broil for dinner and ate up on the bridge as there was a nice breeze and the temperature was pleasant.  After dinner and dishes, Marcia made a Bombay and Tonic, and I decided to have a Bourbon (OK - 2 by now).  Only 2 fingers, but it is one of the times you are happy you have big fingers :).  It is now pitch black here.  You can't see the shore line 50 feet away.  I was quickly chased off the bridge as the computer light was a beacon for every kind of insect in three miles.  We are running the generator now to cool the boat down before we go to bed.  Hope is that the cooler temperatures tonight will keep the boat cool.

FYI - Several people have asked where we are.  If you click the "location - Where are we" tab from the home page on the blog it show a satellite view of our stops.  It is at the top just below the picture of our boat.  I am trying to keep it updated.


  1. can actually see your feet in the water there unlike the Ohio River! :) Will you guys be going through pickwick lake?

  2. Definitely need to add more fenders if you're going to be a "looper" like your dock neighbor! :)

  3. Sounds fun!!! Tempted to make ur sexy photo my profile pic. ��

  4. Love it! And you my friend....have a nioe bass!
