Saturday, September 14, 2019

Friday & Saturday - Rocky Point / Evansville

Stats – Friday & Saturday  - 189 miles, 12 hours – Total 327 miles.

I decided not to blog last night, figuring no-one would really be reading it on a Friday night.  Jim Sutliff proved me wrong.  Anyway, we left Louisville around 8:00 and had timed it to pull right into McAlpine lock.  Still took us an hour to lock through.  Looking at the cruising guide, there is nothing between Louisville and Rocky Point Marina, 116 miles down river.

OK - you don't know this, but it is now 5 hours later and I have had a few Bud Lights.  I usually can't remember what happened a hour ago, but will try to recap the last 2 days.  Good thing I took some pictures to remind me.  So fairly easy cruise.  Only got yelled at once for my wake, and it pissed me off because I called the barge and he said "good on the 1".  Then I heard "slow that damn yacht down".  I quickly got over it.  Anyway, some pictures from the cruise.

 Casino in the middle of nowhere Indiana

 Some kind of statue, but did not get the zoom lens on.

Cluck Norris - AKA auto pilot

Think these are rental cabins below Lousiville.  Tony - is this where you stayed with your friends?

 Sunset from Rocky Point Marina
Not a whole lot of interesting pictures, but that was our cruise on Friday.  We were surprised that we picked up an hour somewhere along the way.  We ended cooking and eating dinner on the boat.  Thank you hamburger helper.  Beef Pasta - good stuff!!

We called the lock in the morning as we were only a few miles away.  Got up early, thanks to the time gain and cast off and went right through the lock.  It was little cooler this morning which was a nice change.  65 degrees, so still shorts and tee but a nice change to the hotter days.  I did find out that they like their trout lines down here.  Bright orange bottles marked all over the river.  Didn't hit any of them but was worried.  Got yelled at again for the wake from a barge on the bank.  I pretended I didn't hear them.  We got to Inland Marina in Evansville around 12:30.  Had higher hopes for the marina based on the online reviews.  We are tied up at the fuel dock and have power.  The satellite TV cannot get a signal, guess it is the trees.  Normally not a big deal, but we are here for 2 nights and would have been good to catch up on some shows.  Cell signal / WIFI is OK so we have some options.  I did manage to wash the soot off the back and get the Port side washed today.  Marcia did a load of laundry in the NEW washer.  Penn State won, so all is well.  We walked up to the Tiki bar on the same dock and had a couple cocktails.  Place gets pretty busy around dinner time.  Evansville dredged the channel and made sand bar a few months ago.  Got a few pictures below.  Cincinnati should so do this.  Looked like it was hopping.  We would have dropped the dingy and went over, but we had a Port tie up.  (Dinghy comes down on the Port side).  We walked up to the other bar for dinner.  Had a Cabana feel without the menu.  Wings were good (hot), but they were out of Coconut shrimp for Marcia.   Not sure how you have other shrimp but not coconut shrimp.  Someone call Bubba.

We are looking forward to our down day tomorrow, and will go into Evansville.  Not expecting much, so won't be disappointed.  We are bummed that the LST 325 is up around Cincinnati and will not get to see it.  Sorry we missed the overnight at Ludlow Bromley.  It was fun face-timing and seeing all the pictures.  Can't wait the hear all the stories.

 Sandbar at Evansville
Evansville skyline

Evansville night
For those of you who are missing the Lucy pictures from Pittsburgh - This is for you.  She is doing fine.
Thanks to everyone's comments and calls.  Only been gone a few days, but feels longer.  I am getting some technical support with the blog, so hopefully soon we will have a map that you can see where we are.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blog...getting all caught up thanks to your link on your last FB post. What a great experience and loving the pics.
