Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Evansville - Golconda, Green Turtle Bay

OK - So it has been a few busy days.  Currently we are at Green Turtle Bay in Lake Barkley.  I have had a few celebratory Bud Lights and now utilizing the Bourbon glass that Tony game me with a cigar and the Bourbon (Knob Creek) from Steve Fine.  But let me see if I can recap the last few days.

Sunday 9/15/19
We took a down day in Evansville.  We cooked up breakfast and decided to uber into downtown and watch the Bengals game.  We went to the casino, but not much happening there.  We walked up into town and finally found a bar that was open.  Bloody Mary for me and Mimosa for Marcia.  We could not get the game on due to regional coverage.  Marcia tried on her Direct TV app, but was not successful either.  We decided to walk back to the boat.  It was a hot 2+ mile walk, but we managed.  Not a real exciting day after that.  Marcia did some laundry, bills and straightening, I pretty much laid around.  We ended up cooking dinner on the boat.

Monday 9/16/19
We got an early start as we had about 116 miles to go to reach Golconda Marina.  I will call it the day of islands, as I am not sure how many we passed along the way, but it was a lot.

Leaving Evansville
 Found a dredger for Four Seasons
 One of many islands

 Starting to see some scenery changes with more cliffs.
 Caves on the river.  I know it is some kind of park, but don't remember the name.
We arrived at Golconda Marina 116 miles later but it was shallow.  We kind of got stuck going in but managed to get to a slip.  We loaded DirectTV, but found out that we could not get any local stations (NBC, ABC, CBS).  It kept coming up searching for game, from when Marcia tried to get the Bengals game in Evansville (it was blacked out).  Figures the Bengals are still finding a way to let us down.  After over 2 hours on the phone with them and 4 different people, they escalated the issue.  Very frustrating day, hence no blog that night.  The marina was dead quiet and calm so it was a peaceful night. 

Tuesday 9/17/19

Left and dredged our way out of Golconda and headed for Green Turtle Bay.  Got through Smithland Lock and turned up the Cumberland River.  Done with the Ohio for the next year.  Cumberland River is narrow, but an easy cruise up.  I was actually able to run about 15 of the 30 miles.  By run, I mean 21 mph versus 8.8 mph.  Had to wait at the Barclay lock for about a hour and half but got through.  Kentucky Lock on the Tennessee River is closed, so all the traffic has to go through Barclay.  We arrived at Green Turtle Bay (GTB) and got tied up.  Lot of Looper boats here.  Finally feels like we are now on the loop.  Called Direct TV again as our issue is still not resolved.  Marcia spent another hour on the phone, and the short version is that we cannot get local stations anymore on the boat.  We started happy hour and went to one of the pools.  It is still hot here so the pool felt great.  Met another Looper couple and ended up going to the Thirsty Turtle for dinner with them.  Golf cart shuttle will pick you up at the boat and drive you there.  Probably about a mile plus away, so would have been a far walk in this heat.  Dinner was good and now we are back at the boat.  Marcia is catching up on a show, and I am on the bridge drinking Steve's Bourbon, smoking a Romeo 505 and typing this.  Going to load some pictures now to see what I forgot.

Queen of the Mississippi coming out of Cumberland River

 Cumberland River

 I think I found the trees from the Wizard of Oz
 Might have to zoom in, but you can see the Asian Carp jumping out of the river

 Going through Barclay Lock with barge and other Looper Boats

 Slip at Green Turtle Bay
 My cigar, Tony's glass and Steve's bourbon.  Don't worry Larry, I have your bourbon also :)

So probably less detail than other posts, but trying to find the right balance.  Pictures help me remember things and it is a lot easier with the new camera than my cell phone.  Our plan it to be here for at least 5 days, so looking forward to the downtime.  Let me know if you are thinking about playing hookie and want to drive down.  Last time we were here was in the 36' Doral about 15 years ago.  Still remember when Tim Beck and family drove down back then.  Ironically, he called me today to check in.  Think we will drop the dinghy in and play around and swim over the the next few days.  Supposed to stay hot, so should be good.  Dan and Angie, if you are reading this, we need to get together as I know you are in the area. 

Oh yeah, almost forgot.  It would not be a complete blog post without a picture or two of Lucy.

I think she is going to enjoy the downtime as much as we will.

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