Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wednesday - 09/11/19

Stats – Today- 65 miles, 4 hours – Total 65 miles.

OK - so Day 1.  Welcome back to all those who followed Pittsburgh and hello to the newcomers.  After talking about it for 10 years and countless hours preparing, we left today to start America's Great Loop.

We want to thank everyone for the well wishes and departure gifts.  Our son Tony came through with a bottle of Cabo Wabo Tequila, small Tito's, Bombay Sapphire, and a bourbon glass that has a groove to hold your cigar, a Moscow Mule mug and a bottle of wine.  Andrew and Lindsay with the family size Bombay and Tito's.  Dave and Leanne got the snack section with a variety of goodies.  Matt and Sarah provided us a new wireless, waterproof speaker for the Dinghy.  A special thanks to Nell who managed get signatures from our marina friends on a "The Adventure Begins" pillow.  Maggie had a wooden ornament of our boat made.  Also we appreciated all those that made it down to Pirates Cove on a Tuesday night to say goodbye.  We will miss everyone.  Even you Laura :).

Tony is now the guardian of Port.  Thanks to everyone who offered to help out, and we will not be shy to take you up on it if the need arises.  A lot of people have been asking what all we did to the boat.  The list is long and expensive.  That will be another post after I have had more than 2 beers.  I will warn you in advance for those that don't want to read it.

Today was a nice easy cruise day.  We left out about 9:15 with Dave Witherby tossing our lines.  River was in great shape and no boat traffic other than passing 1 barge.  We have been to Turtle Creek Marina many times, so nothing really new for us.  We pulled in at 1:15 and fueled up.  112 gallons for those interested.  Marcia worked on getting the new TV with Netflix and HBO Go and trying to record our shows.  Last minute fire drill as our TV needed to be replaced on Monday.  Long story and it sucked.  I washed the diesel soot off the back of the boat.  I have started cocktail hour and we plan to shuttle over to Belterra Casino for dinner.  I decided to take the time and update the blog.  (yes with a beer and cigar)  Weather is sunny and hot.  Who would have thought it for September, but we are loving it.  Plan is to go to Louisville tomorrow.  Not new to us, but it has been about 10 years since we have been there.

Leaving Four Seasons Marina

Approaching downtown Cincinnati
We did see this ship moored at Aurora.  Not sure if it is the one that we want to see and tour in Evansville or not.

Internet signal is not very good here so not sure if this will post right away with the pictures, but you won't notice that.  Think I have it set up now for you to leave comments, but let me know if it does not work because I am not very Techie.  Sarah Stephens is going to get it straightened out for us.  Hope everyone enjoys it.  Let me know if there is something more you want to see in the blog of if I should leave things out.  Not that I will do it, but you can ask.  I think if you click to follow us in the top right, you should get an email when we post.

Oh yeah - Lucy the cat is doing fine.  She seems to be adjusting to being back on the boat.  Marcia gave her a catnip mouse that she is evidently very happy with.  Also, inside joke that most will know and others will figure out is that after much debate, the chicken got named.  It is now and will hence forward be called "Cluck Norris".

Heading out to put some damage on the Buffet.  Think I can offset a 4000 calorie dinner with about 20 push-ups.   (no comment Maggie).

Will hopefully post again soon.


  1. Good luck on the trip! Sorry we missed last night...we'll be checking in here often. -David and Sharon

  2. Have fun! FYI... I don’t know who Sarah STEVENS is but I’m sure she’s great with blogs 😜

  3. Have fun and safe travels guys we miss seeing you.

  4. May you have fair winds and calms seas! Enjoy the adventure!!

  5. Yes, that is the the LST-325 whose home port is Evansville, IN. Looks like she is not scheduled to be back in Evansville until September. 20th. May need to slow down a bit to let her catch up.

    1. Shame - we were looking forward to going through it.
