Monday, October 21, 2019

Aqua Harbor, Repairs, Tenn-Tom, Midway Marina

Stats Friday: Total days - 38, Travel days - 22, Miles today - 63, Total miles - 1174
Stats Sunday: Total days - 40, Travel days - 23, Miles today - 55, Total miles - 1278

So we left Joe Wheeler State Park on Friday morning with 18 other boats, all heading to Wheeler Lock 1 mile away.  Mike from Carousel, took the lead to call the lock.  We had to wait about 45 minutes, but then all 19 boats headed in.  We were tied to a floating bollard, and we had 2 other boats rafted off to us.  We made it down without issue.  After leaving the lock, we all stayed together for 17 miles until the next lock, Wilson.  Only could go 7mph, as fast as the slowest boat.

Backtrack.  On Thursday, I was getting some water in my bilge that is normally dry.  I could not find any leaks, but when I started the engines, I saw some water dripping from my starboard exhaust hose.  Basically a 6" diameter fiberglass tube that connects onto the rubber exhaust bushings.  After some duct tape, the drip slowed enough that I would be OK to get to Aqua Yacht Harbor to get it repaired.  While waiting the 2 1/2 hours for the Wilson lock, who knew we were all coming, I called the mechanic who I talked to on Thursday to see if he found the part.  He said he could get it to me on Tuesday.  We did not feel like sitting around for 4 days waiting, so I made the call to Greg and Mike at Washington Marine.  HUGE shout out to them.  He had the exhaust pipe and Mike hand delivered it FedEx, to arrive at Aqua Harbor on Saturday morning.  

We finally made it through Wilson Lock.  Most boats were heading to Florence Marina, 1 mile from the lock, but we were going 38 miles down river to Aqua.  The lock master did take a few pictures of us in the lock.

Leaving Joe Wheeler

 Joe Wheeler Lock - 19 boats

 Leaving Joe Wheeler Lock

 Wilson Lock - Highest lock east of the Mississippi.

 We are in the left with the red boat tied off to us.

It took over 7 hours to get 18 miles and through 2 locks.  After passing Florence, where 14 boats were going, we decide to kick it up and run.  We ran for about 10 minutes before having to stop for some fishing boats, and I took the opportunity to check on my duct tape job.  Everything seemed to be OK, but there was still a lot of water in the bilge.  We got back on plane (21 mph), and I noticed that my bilge pump was not shutting off.  I had Marcia drive while I went down to inspect.  Upon inspection, the exhaust hose on the Port engine was gushing water.  I mean gushing water, think fire hose.  We stopped and let the bilge pump catch up, then I went to town with the duct tape.  With a temporary fix, we started again.  Keeping an eye on things I slowly got back up on plane and the pump did not kick on again.  I guess duct tape really does fix most anything.  I had made arrangements to have an Aqua Harbor mechanic come and fix the boat on Saturday, if the part arrives.  

We arrived at Aqua around 6:30 pm and got safely into Bob's slip.  Remember from previous post?  He had told a few of his dock friends, so there were there to help.  We met up with Greg and Rhonda who we hung out with at Green Turtle Bay.  Very long day, so it was gumbo, pizza and beer at the on site restaurant.  We ended up joining a table of a few other loopers, most of whom we had not met.  I did thank the boat (Mary Grace) that stopped when we were doing the repairs to see if we were OK.  After dinner I was sitting out with the group at the dock and one of the guys said he worked for FedEx.  I told him to make sure my package arrived tomorrow.  Mechanic said that there was no way it was going to get here and that they did not deliver on Saturdays.  Turns out Joe runs the Memphis DC.  I gave him my tracking number.  He got online and said it would be delivered tomorrow with white glove treatment.  Saturday morning, my new exhaust hose was delivered at 8:41 in the morning.  What a great group of people.  Mike and Greg at Washington, Bob for letting use his slip, Joe for ensuring delivery, etc...  

Dinner at Aqua Yacht Harbor

So I called the mechanic in the morning and left a voicemail.  Not wanting to waste time, I figured I would go down and see if I can get the old exhaust off.  The starboard pipe is about 3 1/2 feet long.  was able to get the close end off, and then bleeding, cramping and cussing, I got the far end off.  Pretty happy with myself I thought I would try the Port side.  The pipe is about 1 foot long, and was able to get it off as well.  Still not hearing anything from the mechanic, I walked up to the ship store to see if they had anything to cut the pipe with.  They said they could find a saw.  The mechanic called and said he would be awhile as he was working another boat.  When I got back to the dock, Jim said he had to run home and came back with an angle grinder with a cutting wheel.  We cut the 1 piece into 2.  Glad I did not have Washington cut it before they sent.  I took a break, ate lunch and then when back at it.  I managed to get both pipes installed.  I then hosed out and tried to wash up the engine room some.  

Old exhaust pipes.  You can see the cracks and wear on the ends that was causing the leaks, especially the smaller pipe.

After the job done, cleaned up, and feeling pretty good, we walked up to the bar.  Lot of Loopers there, including Greg and Rhonda.  While talking, Mike (who coordinated the locks on Friday) took a poll on who was leaving on Sunday.  He, us and Rick and Rhonda from R&R that was next to us at Joe Wheeler were all leaving.  We left at 7:15 on Sunday and headed down the Tom-Bigbee Waterway.  We had 55 miles and 3 locks, so made sense for everyone to travel together.  I checked the engine room multiple times and my repairs seem to be holding up well.  I will keep an eye on them.  Beautiful cruising day.  Even going through what they call the ditch.  27 miles of canal with rock on either side.  We all arrived at Midway safely at 2:00, a lot earlier than we were anticipating.

Cloudy in the morning, but sun came out in the afternoon.
 Meeting a barge in the ditch.  Not a lot of room. 
 Mike from Carousel
 Rick and Rhonda from R&R

Restaurant was closed at the Marina, so we used the courtesy car with R&R to go into "town".  We found a Mexican restaurant, had margaritas and dinner.  After dinner we went to Walmart and stocked up.  

Dinner with R&R 

We did not travel today as it has been raining all day, as predicted.  We are using the crock pot and cooking chicken cacciatore  as we are here all day.  Carousel stopped over to get a head count on who is leaving tomorrow as we have 4 locks and 60 miles.  Sounds like there is a group of about 8 of us heading out.  

Long post, but stuck inside the boat all day, so how lucky are you?  We are trying to make today a AFD (alcohol free day) as we have not had one in over 12 days.  


  1. Am I seeing trash bags on the fender balls from R&R's boat in the lock? Pretty cool idea to keep the scum from the wall off. Maybe that's a common thing for people to do now?....but I remeber the fenders being covered in shit pulling out of those locks!

  2. Is the boat starting to feel "small" yet Pat?

  3. Meaning living on it now for 30+ days..

    1. We are getting used to it. We do miss the bigger bathroom and bed, but we are managing. Amazing what you can get used to though :)
