Saturday, October 5, 2019

Hales Bar 10/03/19

Stats: Total days - 23, Travel days - 15, Miles today - 53, Total miles - 892

So today was nice, but nothing too exciting.  We left out of Goose Pond and headed up to Hales Bar Marina.  It was HOT today.  Kept waiting for it to hit 100, but only made it to 99.

We did have to fight about a 2mph current the whole day.  I did manage to keep it slow again today, so will be curious how this will help my mileage.  You can see the current pushing on the channel marker.

Guess this power plant did not make it.  Amazing how big these plants are.

Just a couple of pictures coming up the river.

We made it to Hales Bar Marina.  Not much to do here, so we ate dinner on the boat and took a walk.  There is an old abandoned Dam here that a group is using for a paranormal and haunted house tour.  Looks like it would be fun, but we are not going to be back on the days that it is open.

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