Sunday, October 13, 2019

Joe Wheeler State Park - Looper Rendezvous

Stats: Total days - 33, Travel days - 21, Miles today - 28, Total miles - 1111

We left Riverwalk Marina at 8:30 in a foggy, cold morning.  It was in the high 40's when we left, so the fog was thick on the river as the river water was still pretty warm.  We hailed the railway bridge, and they lifted it for us after a train ended, only about a 10 minute wait.  Had to run with the radar and chart plotter as I could not see the channel markers due to the fog.  About an 1/8 mile visibility when i could finally see them.  Marcia had asked if I was going to put the Isenglass up as it was cold.  I had on a sweat shirt and pants for the 1st time, and said "no, it should warm up soon."  I WAS WRONG.  It was a cold ride until we arrived at Joe Wheeler.  The fog did finally lift around 10:00 which made it easier.  Marcia made the trip inside the boat that day.  

We got to Joe Wheeler about 11:00 and got tied up on the dock.  We have a nice slip on the dock next to the pool.  The entire dock is full of Looper boats with only 2 slips left open.  One of them is right next to us, so that is nice.  We are next to a 2003 Carver Voyager (same as ours), but it is a 46' and the 3 stateroom model.  We talked to them for a while and we toured each others boat.  Same boat, but drastically different layout.  After lunch, the sun came out and I began washing the boat.  Marcia cleaned inside, I cleaned outside.  Boat needed a cleaning bad, but looks good now.  Especially since I buffed and waxed the back.  Started happy hour on the dock and met a few new people, and said Hi so some of the boats that we met at Green Turtle Bay.  We were going to cook on the boat, but instead walked up to the lodge for the seafood buffet.  It was OK, fried fish, clams, shrimp and some jambalaya.  We are happy that we can get a cell signal here now, as we could not when we stayed here a couple of weeks ago.  We think because we are on a dock now instead of behind the lodge.  Marcia watched Penn State win in spite of the referees.  Come on Mark Evans - even you have to admit that it was a touchdown.  Not sure if my cousin Tom is reading this, but I can only imagine his reaction.  I laid down on the bed and ended up falling asleep at 8:30.  Guess the day caught up with me.

Sunday morning, we took a shuttle ride into town to pick up just a few things from the store.  We ate lunch and then took a hike on some of the trials here.  Pretty easy hiking, but was good to get off the boat for a while.  Dock is a little quieter today as most of the work was done yesterday by everyone.  Nice temperatures in the low 70's so decided to knock out the blog (with a Romeo 505 - cigar).  There is a huge docktails tonight for all the boats, so I am sure we will meet a lot of new people.  One boat is supposed to have a wine tasting featuring the wines that they picked up from around the loop.  Guess I am going to get my wine on.

We are here until Friday morning, so not sure if there will be much to blog about this week.  

Lucy liked that I wore my fleece sweat shirt.  She liked it more that I left it on the couch.

 The 46' Carver Voyager next to us.
Our boat - 45' Carver Voyager.  FYI - his has been under cover, so no comments on how his looks cleaner.

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