Sunday, October 20, 2019

Joe Wheeler - Looper Rendezvous

Stats: Total days - 37, Travel days - 21, Miles today - 0, Total miles - 1111

Wow, it feels like it has been a while since I posted anything.  Actually it has been over a week.  We have been going like crazy, so just have not had time.  I am going to catch you guys up in a few different posts as trying to do it in one would be way too long.  

We spent last week, Saturday to Friday attending the Looper Rendezvous at Joe Wheeler State Park.  We arrived on Saturday and I think that is where I left off.  On Sunday morning, we had a shuttle driver take us into town and did a quick restock trip at the local market.  When we got back we had lunch and then decided to take a hike.  Trails were nice but pretty easy.  When we got back to the boat we helped a 56 Carver Voyager dock.  Very nice boat owned by Bob and Louann.  There was a big docktails going on for all the looper boats and planners that were there.  Great turnout with probably close to 100 people.  Turns out Bob is a bourbon drinker, so he invited me back to his boat to have a snort or two.  I went down with a cigar, and he came out with a bottle of Blanton's.   We managedto take down about 3/4 of the bottle.  I guess I fared better than he did since he fell asleep on his couch with the sliding glass boat door wide open.  Brought back memories of Dave Witherby and a bottle of Woodford.   The rest of the week was seminars during the day.  We attended the up coming navigation sections, then lunch, and then another seminar.  Most of the days went like that.  We decided to show our boat during Monday's open house (Looper Crawl).  Think we had close to 30 plus people come through over about 2 hours.  Every night there was a free happy hour and then dinner.  We met a lot of people and saw some people we met before.  We hung out mostly with Bob & Louann, Ben & Chantale (met them in GTB), Luis & Jody (met them last year planning), and Rick & Rhonda who have the 46 Carver that was next to us.  A lot of drinking, eating, and sitting all week.  Bob's home marina is at Aqua Harbor at the beginning of the Tenn Tom.  He was leaving his boat at Joe Wheeler as he is going to Chattanooga next week.  He told me to use his slip since he was not going to be there.  Nice - free covered slip.  Joe Wheeler ended on Thursday night with Bob and me finishing off the Blanton's.  We headed out on Friday morning heading to Aqua Harbor.  

I am going to stop here as Friday is going to be a long post all by itself.

Snack table at docktails
Starting on the Blanton's.  
Marcia and Louann

Foggy morning, looking at R&R (Rick and Rhonda).  Sarah S., can you see the spider web?  
 Yes - I had been drinking.
 Us with Bob and Louann
Enjoying the poop deck on Bob's boat.  It did get cool in the evenings.

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