Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Goose Pond - Round 2

Stats: Total days - 29, Travel days - 18, Miles today - 49, Total miles - 1009

Mileage milestone today, we broke 1000 miles since leaving 1 month ago.  Last night on anchor was dark, but not very quiet.  With no current, the wind swung us around all night long.  Anchor held fine, but chain going tight made a noise most of the night.  I called the lock in the morning before we pulled anchor to check status.  The lock said that he had a few boats waiting to go in, and we could lock down with them.  We quickly got underway and got to the lock just as they were pulling in.  I went into the lock, at idle speed or even less as I was in and out of gear.  A guy on the boat we passed gave Marcia the slow down hand and arm movement.  He said something to me about slow and easy.  I did not see the hand jester.  As Marcia told me later I had to laugh.  I have been commented on my wake before, but it is usually when I am running 20+ mph, NEVER going into a lock at less than idle speed.  I had to wonder if he was part of the Ohio River Boat Party group.  Still shaking my head on this one.

Some pictures from the cruise today.  Most houses are beautiful, but there is that 5% that remind you are in the hills.  I think I did hear Banjo's.

 Just in cast you were not sure which way to go, the sign points you.
 Think this one is abandoned.

We made it to Goose Pond around lunch time.  Amazing how picking up 2-3 mph going down stream can reduce your day.  Plan was to get tied up, shower and head to Walmart.  2 out 3 ain't bad?  The courtesy car was being used by a couple of other boats, and did not get back until 5:30.  We had a long list of things to get at Walley's so we headed out late.  Felt like we were in WM for hours, but we got the beer, food, water, snacks, etc.. that we will need for the next week or so.  It was late 7:30ish so we just decided to hit Taco Hell for dinner.  I had forgotten how bad it is when you are sober.  Anyway - we forced it down.  Stowed most everything away and just taking it easy now.  A few other looper boats here, and several are going to the same stop as us tomorrow, Ditto.  Someone said something about Docktails.  Guess it should be OK since I just had 2 AFD's (Alcohol Free Days), yes that's right 2!

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