Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Columbus Marina 10/22/19

Stats Tuesday 10/22/19 : Total days - 42, Travel days - 24, Miles today - 60, Total miles - 1288

Not in the mood to write a lot, so just a quick update and some pictures from today.  Early start at 6:45 with sun not even up yet.  Traveled with 7 boats today.  Same 2 from Sunday and few new ones.  Had to go 60 miles and 4 locks.  Really a smooth day with the locks.  We got to the marina around 2:00.  We did some cleaning, me outside, Marcia inside.   We used the courtesy cars and went to dinner with R&R, Carousel and 2 guests that are on their their boat.  Liking all the gumbo and seafood selections. 

 Early Start

 This was hanging out in one of the locks.  Thought of the old movie "The Blob"

Boyle-n-Water and R&R

Dinner at Hucks with part of the group from today.

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