Friday, October 11, 2019

Ditto - Ditto - Riverwalk

Stats: Total days - 30, Travel days - 19, Miles today - 44, Total miles - 1054

Stats: Total days - 31, Travel days - 20, Miles today - 29, Total miles - 1083

Yes, I have 2 days of stats listed, if anyone is even looking at them.  It has been 2 days since my last post, at least I think so.  Yes, today was supposed to be and alcohol free day (AFD), but it is obviously not.  I am going to see if I can remember the highlights for the last 2 days.  We left out of Goose Pond headed for Ditto Marine.  We cruised about 30 miles and made it through Gunthersville Lock.  Thought we were going to go through with 3 other boats about 4 miles behind us, but the Lock Master surprised us and took us down without waiting for them.  We made it to Ditto and had Docktails with the 3 other boats that were behind us.  Not much happening, so we cooked on the boat and took a walk. 

Friday, October 11: We only had 30 miles to get to Riverwalk Marina, so we cooked up bacon and eggs for breakfast.  Nice ride down river and we got to Riverwalk around lunchtime.  After lunch, Marcia did some laundry and grooming, toenails I think.  I buffed and waxed the back of the boat.   It was black from 1000 miles of diesel exhaust.  MAN it looks great now, but it was a major pain in the ass.  It took every bit of 3 1/2 hours to do just the back.  We had planned to grill up some steaks for dinner and paired it with a bottle of wine that Tony gave us when we left.

After dinner, and wine, we walked up to the local bar here, Hard Docks.  Had a few beers sitting at the bar (7) between us, but who is counting.  Good WIFI here, thanks to our booster and jetpack, so Marcia is catching up on a show and I am out here with a long neck, a cigar and typing this.  

We will time our departure tomorrow with the railway lift bridge that we need to go under.  We are just 1/2 mile above it, so hoping I can get them on the radio in the morning and time it.  

Forgot to put pictures in as I was typing, so going to do them all now.  Mostly houses and cliffs.  Still beautiful cruising here , so sorry if the pictures were in an earlier post.

Good steal dinner with a bottle of wine that Tony gave us.
Daily Lucy Picture
Sarah Stephans, I tried to get a picture of the spider outside our window.  I know how you like them.

And before people start commenting, YES there is a photo with Cluck Norris in this post :).  I do have to remember to do that each post, but not sure how long it is going to last.  Should have named him Wilson.  

Heading to Joe Wheeler for the Looper Rendezvous tomorrow.  Spotty WIFI and cell coverage, so not sure how much I will get to post over the next few days.  

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