Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Day 1 Manchester Islands

Well after a lot of prep work, we finally headed out for Pittsburgh on Tuesday morning, June 11th.  The plan is to make it up and back in about 16 days, weather and river permitting.  The round trip will be just under 1000 miles and 24 locks.  We actually came down to the boat on Monday evening in order to get an early start on Tuesday.  Thanks Dave and Leanne Brill for the lift to the marina.  River was at 28.5 feet, so just a little high, but a lot better than what it has been over the last couple of weeks.  Beautiful sunny day, a little windy but temperatures in the low 70's.  River is a little muddy, but not much debris. 
We cruised through Meldahl without issue, and decided to stop in Augusta for lunch since we were making good time.  Not much open, but we split a pizza and meatball hoagie.  Yes there will probably be a lot in this blog about eating. 
We made it to Manchester Islands by 2:00.  Not bad for 65 miles and 1 lock.  We dropped the dinghy in and rode around for a while and went to the beach.  Happy Hour has started and our internet on the boat is working well, thus the blog entry.  Have some BA Steaks ready for the grill.  That is Big Ass for those of you that don't speak Boyle.  

I will try to keep this updated regularly as we progress, but can't promise anything.  Right now all is well and with body and boat.  So... those who had day one in the pool on someone going overboard - you lost.  

Not a very long day tomorrow, so planning to cook up some breakfast before heading out.  Hopefully will post from Holiday Point tomorrow.  Beer is cold and the cooler is full.

PS - Update on the Lucy (the cat).  She seems to be doing well, but does not like the sound of the engines.  Marcia has found most of her hiding places now.  She did find a spot to hang out while we are cruising.  Not sure if she is hiding, looking out the window or both.  For those of you wondering Tony is watching Port, so we are dog free this trip.  Feels weird not to have him on board but nice.



  1. Thanks for the update! Have a great trip, we'll check in often !

  2. Looking good so far - hope all your weather is as nice as today!

  3. I want in on the pool! Enjoy and safe travels.

  4. Holiday point is awesome
    The dance floor at the end of the dock is fun

  5. Have a great trip. Smooth sailing 🚢

  6. It's about time you finally updated this thing! Glad to see you're enjoying your trip :)
