Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day 12 - Back at Marietta

Stats - Today 70 miles, 2 locks,  4.25 hours - Total - 654 miles 21 locks.

So not a lot of new stuff today.  More debris than yesterday with the same fast current.  Went into the 1st lock with a lot of junk again.  Think I need to get some of those saws installed like Speed Racer used to have on the Mach 5, or if not that then the GO GO Gadget wood chipper.

The 2nd lock we got too was much better.  A barge had just left the big chamber so he locked us down in that chamber.  I looked at the other chamber and was quite happy he did this.  Cruised well at 25+ mph, but had to keep a very sharp eye out as there was a lot more junk in the river today than yesterday.  Not exciting pictures, but this was our view for most of the day.  If you take a closer look, you can see this was an island.  We passed about 7 or 8 of them today.

Normal scenery.   

You can get an idea of how high the water is here.
Every now and again you find a little fixer-upper for sale.

This is not going to be a happy camper.  Guess they did not get the memo on the rain the last 8 days.
Marcia pointed out that Flaming hot Cheetos is probably not the best boat snack.  Good thing is I still have about 1/2 gallon of beef jerky left.  Sarah Stephens and Mark Evans - I would not hold your breath on that lasting until I get back.
We docked up to Marietta Harbor again.  Water is high enough here that the ramp to get to dry land is under water.  Not horrible, but calf high on me.  For $2.00 a foot, the most expensive marina on the trip, it was kind of crappy.  Complained when I checked in, and told him that we could not get off the boat, and we got the slip for $25.00 tonight.  We did walk up into to town and grabbed dinner at The Galley.  Was OK, not particularly memorable or picture worthy.  Back at the boat and going to take it easy tonight.  Planning a early start as we are going to try and make it all the way to Huntington tomorrow.  (133 miles and 3 locks).  With the river up as high as it is, not sure if there are really any options to stop in-between.
Again, every day Lucy seems to find a new spot.  Can't seem to open a cabinet or closet without her wanting to jump in.

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