Saturday, June 15, 2019

Day 5 - Wheeling West Virginia

Stats - Today 82 miles, 2 locks, 6.5 hours.  Total - 375 miles 7 locks.

Pretty peaceful night in Marietta as we were off the Ohio river in the mouth of the Muskingum River.  We cast off lines around 8:00 turned left on the Ohio and started heading up uncharted waters for us.  We made it to Willow Island Lock without issue and right through, for the most part.  For those who do not know, this is what most of the locks look like as we approach them.
We were making good time after the 1st lock until I started seeing a bunch of small bass boats along the shorelines.  They were all out of their boats and I saw they all had a lot of garbage bags.  It then dawned on me that today is River Sweep.  I quickly slowed down for them for the next couple of miles.  Hope Four Seasons had a good turnout in Cincinnati.  Guess we are spoiled with the Marina work barge to throw all the garbage on.  As we were approaching Hannibal Lock we saw a LOT of orange and white buoy balls in the river.  I came off plane and slowed up, and was quickly met by a pontoon boat.  We were informed that there was a Race Regatta going on and that the river was closed until 6:00.  I could see the lock 1/4 mile ahead.  I said to the guy " yeah, that is not going to work for us".  I informed him that we were just wanting to lock through.  Thoughts of Rodney Dangerfield from Caddyshack were racing through my head.  I could just picture those little outboard race boats flying into the air from my wake.  It all worked out.  They ran a pre-race and then we idled through.  Picture does not do it justice, but you get the idea. 
As we were cruising, I think I found where they evidently store a lot of the tugs when they are not being used.

Our plan was to stay at Prima Marina, with no power or water.  Basically a restaurant with a dock.  Main reason we were going to stay there was to get fuel at the ramp.  We talked to Will, who was supplying us the fuel and we ended up going another 4-5 miles to meet him.  Not quite the BP, but got the job done.  He was able to get us 326 gallons, which should be more than enough to get us to Pittsburgh.

Instead of back tracking, Marcia secured us a slip at the Wheeling Yacht Club.  Not fancy but it has power and water.  Boat looks big in a 30 foot finger slip. After we got situated,  we started putting up Isenglass as rain was predicted.   We decided to just cook dinner up on the boat.  After dinner, we took a walking trail that lead to a downtown public wall.  A few boats were tied up and there was a live band and a wine festive going on.  Turns out the boats were from the Yacht Club and watched us dock, about 1/2 mile away.  They shared a couple of their Bush Light (Yes Andrew - Bush Light)!  We hung out for a couple of beers and then headed back.

Starting to rain now, but I am on the bridge with a "pretzel stick" and a bud light typing this, and Marcia trying out the washer.  Fingers crossed for those who know the back story. :)
Weather is not predicted to be good tomorrow, calling for rain all day.  Based on talking to the locals, we have a poor weather day plan and a fair weather day plan.  Basically 2 versus 3 locks.  We will wait and see, but not optimistic on the weather.
Post would not be complete without the daily cat update.  She does seem to be coming out a little more while we are cruising.  They just came up to sit on the bridge with me.

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