Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Day 2 Huntington WV

OK - So i will warn you now that this may be a longer post.  Those of you that are reading this while you should be working, like I used to do, don't get caught.  I have had a few soda pops by now, so hoping I don't mess up.
Let me start with last night.  Was a great night anchored out by the Manchester Islands.  Dinner was a couple of steaks and potatoes.  BTY - Andrew R., using foil does make cleanup easier :). Temperature was nice with a breeze so we ate up on the fly bridge.  After dinner we took another dinghy cruise and then put it up for the night.
   It ended up getting pretty cool at night, so no need to run the generator for air conditioning.  We woke up with the boat at 62 degrees in the salon and 68 in the bedroom.  You do the math :).  We had decided to get up early and cook breakfast and get an early start as bad weather was predicted to move in later in the day.  After bacon, eggs, and hash browns we headed out about 9:00. 

Plan was to run about 60 miles to Holiday Point Marina where we were going to fuel up and spend the night.  Marcia has been getting some practice driving the boat.  Passed some cows in the water as we were cruising.  Thought of last nights dinner.  Also thought of "Tommy Boy".  Something about a good steak and stick your head up a bulls ass.

We cruised past Portsmouth, but not on plane.  
We got to Holiday Point around 12:00.  No issues going through Greenup Lock.  Had to idle up while they got the chamber ready, but no delay.  Seems like every time we go through this lock it is windy and with a barge.  This time was no different.
We took on 240 gallons of diesel at Holiday Point.  Not sure if we were all the way full when we left Cincinnati or not.  The rain that was predicted had changed to later this evening.  Was not much happening at Holiday Point, so we decided to put another 30 miles behind us and move onto Huntington WV.  We got to Huntington around 3:00.  Had some issues getting power to work.  Our 50 amp splitter would not work on their 30 amp power hookups.  After 30 minutes of trying almost a dozen different combinations, we finally found one that worked.  We had to borrow an additional 30 amp cord and move power from another boat, be we were hooked in and had power.  Needed a beer by now.  We figured we better put all the isenglass up as weather was still predicted.  After a few Bud Light Bottles (yes I broke out the bottles) and a gallon of sweat the boat was rain proof.  The marina owner ended up coming down to introduce himself and offered to drive us into town for dinner.  We went with him and his girl friend to a local ale house.  I had a huge burger and great cajun mac-n-cheese.  Marcia got the bacon wrapped shrimp and regular mac-n-cheese.  I am not a big mac-n-cheese guy, but it was damn good.  
As I am sitting here now on the bridge typing this, it is starting to rain.  We are not suppose to get the heavy rain and hail that they were predicting so that is good.
Update on Lucy (the cat).  She hid most of the day while we were cruising, but has come out now that we are tied up and have the air on.  She also is wearing her harness for the first time.  Think that means progress.  
Hoping for better weather tomorrow than what they are calling for.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Marcia was keeping her hands at 10 and 2 while driving!
